helium / network-explorer

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Incorrect information in info box belonging to "Network">"HNT tile" #76

Closed Siegfried-B closed 1 year ago

Siegfried-B commented 1 year ago

On https://explorer.helium.com/stats, the info that appears when on hovers with the mouse pointer above the "(i)" is incorrect. image

It reads: " Total, mean, and median of locked up HNT that is delegated network wide". But this is incorrect, as the Total number is the sum of Total "locked up HNT" delegated to IOT, to MOBILE, and the undelegated HNT. image

It should thus read "Total, mean, and median of locked up HNT."

I guess line 38 in MetricsRow.tsx image

should be changed from

hntDescription += ` that is delegated network wide`


hntDescription += ``

But as I am not a dev, I won't touch that myself.