helium / router

router combines a LoRaWAN Network Server with an API for console, and provides a proxy to the Helium blockchain
Apache License 2.0
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Malaysia AS923_1B Plan Issue ( Wrong Rx1 Join Response Frequency ) #892

Open RTK221B opened 1 year ago

RTK221B commented 1 year ago

Please find below the device logs of a device deployed in Malaysia AS923_1B.

Two issues can be seen in the logs:

  1. Rx1 Join Response Frequency is wrong - it should mirror Join frequency
  2. Rx2 is supposed to be fallback. rx2 reply at 923.2 and 923.4 are not working.

{ "category": "join_accept", "data": { "devaddr": "09040048", "fcnt": 0, "hotspot": { "channel": 0, "frequency": 920.4, "id": "11q3pZBTp9q5MftEbnrpZNkbNQVogidpVrRgu4h8XvsXvA9KdLf", "lat": 5.31729669556136, "long": 100.47077108175583, "name": "stale-tartan-mantaray", "rssi": 16, "snr": 0, "spreading": "SF10BW125" }, "payload": "IIa3RfwZjYoX5KyMKvhYbfQ=", "payload_size": 17, "port": 0 }, "description": "Join accept from AppEUI: 6081F948DB43D014 DevEUI: 6081F988A3137D32", "device_id": "6154a5b1-5407-4fb5-af75-3c8d58cbc0d9", "frame_down": null, "frame_up": 0, "id": "75478aad-d551-4144-9212-c0572a51e879", "organization_id": "c03c6dd0-0239-4e1a-b0d2-763ced865c34", "reported_at": "1670984939647", "router_uuid": "004a72db-806e-49a9-948b-7b44f286dcff", "sub_category": "undefined" }, { "category": "join_request", "data": { "dc": { "balance": 250, "nonce": 1, "used": 1 }, "devaddr": "09040048", "fcnt": 0, "hotspot": { "channel": 6, "frequency": 923.2000122070312, "id": "11q3pZBTp9q5MftEbnrpZNkbNQVogidpVrRgu4h8XvsXvA9KdLf", "lat": 5.31729669556136, "long": 100.47077108175583, "name": "stale-tartan-mantaray", "rssi": -115, "snr": -11.199999809265137, "spreading": "SF10BW125" }, "payload": "", "payload_size": 0, "port": 0, "raw_packet": "ABTQQ9tI+YFgMn0To4j5gWB2H66D+Tw=" }, "description": "Join request from AppEUI: 6081F948DB43D014 DevEUI: 6081F988A3137D32", "device_id": "6154a5b1-5407-4fb5-af75-3c8d58cbc0d9", "frame_down": null, "frame_up": 0, "id": "c73123bd-78ac-4fd7-abb8-d1493e81a928", "organization_id": "c03c6dd0-0239-4e1a-b0d2-763ced865c34", "reported_at": "1670984937647", "router_uuid": "20794d01-00a5-47bf-b6c6-eeb6f07e0405", "sub_category": "undefined" },

oberchoo commented 1 year ago

What is next, I am from Malaysia, we have been using Helium network for some projects and suddenly the nodes cannot connect to the network.

leogaggl commented 1 year ago

I suggest you connect with the Australian community. We have been through very similar issues here, and unless you make a lot of noise about it, nothing seems to happen at Helium. It is a totally US-focused operation.

We have a local Discord (https://discord.gg/ZJnUtfNz), and you could possibly join our community calls to put a better spotlight on your issues.