hellatan / metalsmith-date-formatter

Format metadata dates
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Formatting a date with a nested key #2

Open jhyland87 opened 7 years ago

jhyland87 commented 7 years ago


I have two dates that I'm trying to format, they're being pulled from a model (called timeline), which is structured like so:

            "begin": "2014-10-01",
            "end": "2015-02-25"
    // Repeat..

So, as you can see, the dates are nested inside the duration object. I use Handlebars templating to display the dates:

{{#each model.timeline}}

The problem I'm having, is the date-formatter doesn't seem to accept a key value of an object item. I've tried the following:

const dateFormatter = require('metalsmith-date-formatter')
const metalsmith = Metalsmith(__dirname)

    // .. cut..
        dates: [{
            key: 'duration.begin',
            format: 'MM YYYY'
            key: 'begin',
            format: 'MM YYYY'
            key: 'duration.end',
            format: 'MM YYYY'
            key: 'end',
            format: 'MM YYYY'
    // .. cut..
    .build(function(err, files) {
        if (err) throw err

        console.log('Build Completed')

None of which work. If I move both the duration.begin and duration.end to the top level, and set the key value(s) to begin and end, then it works fine. But I need them to be values inside an object..

Is there a way around this? Am I just doing something wrong? I looked through the unit tests in the repo and I didn't see anything that would help out.
