hellcat707hp / GTRadio

An open-source, custom radio player for Android designed to produce similar functional results to the radios found in the Grand Theft Auto series of games.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Crash on app start up after setting folder. #17

Closed icuryer closed 3 weeks ago

icuryer commented 3 weeks ago

I am having an issue with the application where it will crash on start up, I assume it may be due to me not setting up the files properly. I've been trying for hours but can't seem to get it to work. If this is the cause of the crashes would you be able to provide screenshots of what it looks like without place holder names?

Love your work!

hellcat707hp commented 3 weeks ago

Hey, @icuryer!

It might be better for you to share what your structure looks like, because then I can tell if its folder structure or something else entirely.

I'm going to also create myself an issue to add some better logging so these errors are easier to view/report in the future.

icuryer commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for your quick reply!! Hopefully these screenshots go through in order. I am also wondering if flac is supported?

Screenshot_20240622_005925_MiXplorer Screenshot_20240622_005936_MiXplorer Screenshot_20240622_005943_MiXplorer Screenshot_20240622_005947_MiXplorer Screenshot_20240622_005958_MiXplorer

hellcat707hp commented 3 weeks ago

No problem!

So @icuryer, I think I see the issue. I assume you have the /Music/Games Folder directory selected for the app?

If that's the case, then you would want to eliminate the Gen1Stations folder from the hierarchy, and have the Vice City folder directly inside the /Music/Games Folder/. Something like /Music/Games Folder/Vice City instead of /Music/Games Folder/Gen1Stations/Vice City.

Everything else about your setup looks great to me!

As far as FLAC files, they should be supported since the app just uses the Media3 ExoPlayer which does support them: https://developer.android.com/media/media3/exoplayer/supported-formats

icuryer commented 3 weeks ago

Okay so I've made those changes and it's not crashing, but now the app is on the no groups available page.


hellcat707hp commented 3 weeks ago

Alright, one step closer 😄

Can you close the app then find the app in Settings > Apps, clear all of its data and remove access to storage. Then relaunch the app, select the GamesFolder again, and see if it resolves?

I'm wondering if the change in folder structure may have altered/invalidated the access it had for those folders.

icuryer commented 3 weeks ago

Unfortunately, it went back to crashing. BUT I figured out that the problem was from the individual station logos, some of the ones I had used were .svg files, when I removed those stations the ones left were .png and boom everything worked. So all good now! Thank you so much for your help! You've got a wicked project here 😀!

hellcat707hp commented 3 weeks ago

Oh wow, I missed that! Good catch! I can add that to the documentation that .svg files aren't supported.

Thank you! I'm honestly amazed and excited that other people are using this little project. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do!