hellenthal-group-UCL / fastGLOBETROTTER

faster haplotype-based admixture inference and dating software
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running got error: address (nil), cause 'memory not mapped' #1

Open QianXiaobo opened 1 year ago

QianXiaobo commented 1 year ago


I performed fastGLOBETROTTER by R < fastGLOBETROTTER/fastGLOBETROTTER.R paramfile.txt samplefile.txt recomfile.txt 1 --no-save > out, but got the following error:

 *** caught segfault ***
address (nil), cause 'memory not mapped'

 1: coancestry.curves(ploidy, ind.id.vec, samples.filein, recomrates.filein,     bin.width, num.bins, (1:length(dists.shift))[dists.shift ==         min(dists.shift)][1] - 1, donor.pops.all, donor.label.vec,     recipient.label.vec, weightmin, gridweightMAXcutoff, tempweights,     nrow(weights.mat))
 2: matrix(coancestry.curves(ploidy, ind.id.vec, samples.filein,     recomrates.filein, bin.width, num.bins, (1:length(dists.shift))[dists.shift ==         min(dists.shift)][1] - 1, donor.pops.all, donor.label.vec,     recipient.label.vec, weightmin, gridweightMAXcutoff, tempweights,     nrow(weights.mat)), byrow = TRUE, ncol = num.bins)
An irrecoverable exception occurred. R is aborting now ...

I also tested the memory by R < fastGLOBETROTTER/fastGLOBETROTTER.R paramfile.txt samplefile.txt recomfile.txt mem --no-save > out and it told me:

[1] "number of targets: 45"
[1] "number of bins: 291"
[1] "number of donors in mode1: 77"
[1] "number of donors after merging in mode2: 12"
[1] "Mode 1 requires memory of 1.6 G."
[1] "Mode 2 requires memory of 1 G (may provide less precise inference)."
[1] "Mode 3 generally requires much less memory but can take longer time."
[1] "(Note that, for larger estimated memory usage, these estimates may be off by 1G or so.)"

So I guess the error was not caused by the memory size of my cluster.

Then I tested the same parameters and dataset using GLOBETROTTER. It runs normally, but hasn't finished yet. I mean I really don't know GLOBETROTTER makes sense or not. But fastGLOBETROTTER can't work.

How do I solve this error?

Best wishes, Xiaobo