Closed fpgasdr closed 3 years ago
Hi, can you please attach error messages from your Vivado output? I was using Vivado 2018.3
first tried with vivado 2017.4 in one computer and get a compilation error in the
output_reg <= $bits( axi4_stream_word_t )(' 0 );
The error was:
_[Synth 8-2715] syntax error near ' ["/Vivado/PandaCam/example/pandacam.srcs/sources_1/bd/pandacam/ipshared/frame_extender/src/":43]
The error line is: output_reg <= $bits( axi4_stream_word_t )'( 0 );
This error is solved if I compile the code with vivado 2018.2 so my guess is some systemverilog incompatibilities due older vivado
But the error I can't solve with vivado 2018.2 is the testbench for the csi, the file, and don't know if this could be the same problem or not. so I'm asking before install a newer version of Vivado.
_ERROR: [VRFC 10-395] cannot assign an unpacked type to a packed type [/Vivado/PandaCam/ip/csi2_rx/tb/../lib/axi4_lib/src/class/] ERROR: [VRFC 10-395] cannot assign a packed type to an unpacked type [/wrk/xhdhdnobkup2/mounicav/xsimsource/xsimHEAD/data/verilog/src/]
The line in the first error is the next one:
rx_data_mbx.put( rx_byte_q );
the other file is missing...
I run testbenches in QuestaSim, I'm not sure Vivado Simulator can handle SV features I was using there.
I also do not think this testbench is up-to-date with IMX477.
But in order to try, you can try to run it in free version of ModelSim.
Launch it and then execute
do path_to_make.tcl_in_tb_folder
You will probably fail to do it because ModelSim doesn't support vopt command I use in make.tcl script to fix it
change this
vopt +acc tb_csi2 -L unisim -o tb_csi2_opt vsim tb_csi2_opt
to this
vsim -L unisim tb_csi2
You must have precompiled Vivado libraries path in Modelsim in order to run it, this can be googled.
Thanks for your support. yes, I didn't realize you simulate design with Questa.
what version is used of Vivado is used?.
have tried to compile the design with Vivado 2017.4 but got some syntax errors in Sytem Verilog code and i guess could be the Vivado version.