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writing #1

Open hello-bryan opened 1 month ago

hello-bryan commented 1 month ago

오늘 우리는 'Organizing Process Essays', 즉 '과정 에세이 구성하기'에 대해 배울 거예요. 과정을 설명하는 에세이는 순서대로 설명해야 하는데, 여기서 'chronological order'가 중요한 역할을 해요. 'Chronological order'는 사건이나 단계를 시간 순서대로, 즉 첫 번째, 두 번째, 세 번째 순서로 설명하는 것을 말해요.

이제 에세이를 쓰기 전에 해야 할 일들을 알아볼게요. 먼저, 설명하려는 과정을 차근차근 순서대로 나열해야 해요. 그런 다음, 읽는 사람이 잘 따라올 수 있도록 'sequence transitions'를 사용해요.

이 표를 함께 볼까요?

Description (설명) | Sequence Transitions (순서 연결어)

  1. Show the beginning of a process (과정의 시작을 보여줄 때)

    • First (첫 번째)
    • Initially (처음에)
    • To begin with (시작하려면)
  2. Show the following steps (다음 단계를 보여줄 때)

    • Second, Third (두 번째, 세 번째)
    • Then (그러고 나서)
    • Next (다음에)
    • After (후에)
    • After that (그 후에)
  3. Show actions or steps that happen at the same time (동시에 일어나는 행동이나 단계를 보여줄 때)

    • While (동안)
    • At the same time (동시에)
    • During (하는 동안)
  4. Show the following steps (마지막 단계를 보여줄 때)

    • Finally (마지막으로)
    • Last (마지막으로)
    • Eventually (결국)

'Organizing Process Essays'에 대해 더 배워볼 거예요. 여기서는 'when', 'as soon as', 'once' 같은 단어들이 중요한 역할을 해요. 이 단어들은 어떤 사건이나 단계가 다른 사건이나 단계 바로 전에 일어날 때 사용해요.

Note that (알아두세요)

이제 예문을 살펴볼까요?

Examples (예문)

  1. First, the water evaporates and turns into vapor that rises into the air.

    • 첫 번째로, 물이 증발하여 공기 중으로 올라가는 수증기로 변합니다.
  2. After that, the water vapor turns back into a liquid.

    • 그 후, 수증기는 다시 액체로 변합니다.
  3. Once the snowflakes become too heavy, they start to fall from the clouds.

    • 눈송이가 너무 무거워지면, 구름에서 떨어지기 시작합니다.
  4. As soon as the land temperature rises, the snow will melt.

    • 땅의 온도가 오르자마자, 눈은 녹을 것입니다.

중요한 점

과정 단락이나 에세이는 단순히 단계의 나열보다 더 많아야 해요. 독자가 단계나 사건을 이해하는 데 도움이 되는 세부 사항을 포함하는 것도 중요해요.

Example (예문)

Planting a seed is the beginning of a plant's new life. To begin with, the first step is to choose a suitable spot in your garden. It should be a place where the seed can get enough sunlight and water. Then, prepare the soil by digging a small hole. After that, gently place the seed in the hole and cover it with soil. Once the seed is not visible, you will know that it is well covered and ready. At the same time, make sure to water the seed immediately after planting to help it settle in the soil. It's important to keep the soil consistently moist. Finally, be patient and wait for the seed to sprout. With proper care, your seed will soon grow into a beautiful plant.

씨앗 심기는 식물의 새로운 생명의 시작입니다. To begin with(먼저), 첫 번째 단계는 정원에서 적합한 장소를 선택하는 것입니다. 씨앗이 충분한 햇빛과 물을 받을 수 있는 장소여야 합니다. Then(그 다음에), 작은 구멍을 파서 흙을 준비하세요. After that(그 후에), 씨앗을 구멍에 부드럽게 놓고 흙으로 덮으세요. 씨앗이 보이지 않으면 잘 덮였다는 것을 알 수 있습니다. At the same time(동시에), 씨앗을 심은 후 바로 물을 줘서 땅에 잘 자리잡도록 해야 합니다. 흙이 지속적으로 촉촉하게 유지되는 것이 중요합니다. Finally(마지막으로), 인내심을 가지고 씨앗이 싹트기를 기다리세요. 적절한 관리를 하면 곧 아름다운 식물로 자랄 것입니다.

오늘은 'Expository Essay I', 즉 '설명문 에세이 I'에 대해 배워볼 거예요. 설명문 에세이는 어떤 과정을 설명하는 글이에요. 무엇을 어떻게 하는지, 또는 세상에서 어떤 일이 어떻게 일어나는지를 단계별로 설명해 주는 글이죠.

Process Essay란?

Phrases to Remember (기억해야 할 구문)

이제 에세이를 쓸 때 유용한 구문들을 알아볼게요.

Example Topics (예시 주제)

이제 어떤 주제로 글을 쓸 수 있는지 볼까요?

  1. How to Make Kimchi (김치 만드는 방법)
  2. How to Study for an Exam (시험 공부하는 방법)
  3. The Water Cycle (물의 순환)

Let's Think... (생각해 봅시다)

이제 몇 가지 질문을 통해 우리가 쓸 수 있는 글에 대해 생각해 볼까요?

오늘은 'Writing a Summary', 즉 '요약하기'에 대해 배워볼 거예요. 요약은 에세이의 결론 부분에서 문장을 다시 표현하여 주요 아이디어를 설명하는 것을 말해요. 요약을 잘 하는 방법을 함께 알아볼까요?


To write a summary (요약을 쓰기 위해서)

  1. First, read the original text and highlight the key ideas.
    • 먼저, 원래 글을 읽고 중요한 아이디어를 강조하세요.
  2. Then, write the key ideas with new sentences.
    • 그런 다음, 새로운 문장으로 중요한 아이디어를 쓰세요.
  3. Use synonyms to rephrase sentences.
    • 동의어를 사용하여 문장을 다시 표현하세요.

Example (예시)

원래 문장:

요약 문장:

hello-bryan commented 1 month ago

Exam: Whooping Cranes in Danger

Grade Level: 1

Multiple Choice Questions (1 pt each)

  1. What was the main problem that whooping cranes faced?

    • a) They were too loud
    • b) They were hunted and lost their habitat
    • c) They couldn't fly
    • d) They couldn't find food
  2. How many whooping cranes were left in the wild by 1941?

    • a) Fifty
    • b) One hundred
    • c) Fifteen
    • d) Two hundred
  3. What did the government do to help the whooping cranes?

    • a) Gave them more food
    • b) Reserved land for them and protected them from hunters
    • c) Built nests for them
    • d) Taught them to fly
  4. Why did scientists wear costumes when dealing with the chicks?

    • a) To make the chicks laugh
    • b) To make sure the chicks didn't get used to humans
    • c) To stay warm
    • d) To look like superheroes
  5. What did the ultralight planes help the chicks learn?

    • a) How to sing
    • b) How to fly and migrate
    • c) How to swim
    • d) How to eat
  6. How many chicks were ready to migrate in the first experiment?

    • a) Five
    • b) Ten
    • c) Eight
    • d) Eleven
  7. What is a benefit of having two groups of whooping cranes?

    • a) It makes them safer from diseases and storms
    • b) They can learn different songs
    • c) They can compete with each other
    • d) They can eat more food
  8. What did the chicks learn to eat in Florida?

    • a) Grass
    • b) Crabs, shrimp, and snails
    • c) Fruits
    • d) Leaves
  9. How do cranes avoid predators at night?

    • a) They sing loudly
    • b) They sleep in the water, so splashing sounds warn them of predators
    • c) They hide in trees
    • d) They fly around
  10. What helped the cranes know when to migrate north?

    • a) Stars
    • b) Radio signals from their leg bands
    • c) The sound of other birds
    • d) The wind

Short Answer Questions (2 pts each)

  1. Why did the cranes follow the ultralight planes?

  1. How did the caretakers communicate with the chicks without speaking?

  1. What happened to the crane that strayed from the group on the way back north?

  1. Why are whooping cranes still considered endangered even though their numbers have increased?

Answer Key

  1. b) They were hunted and lost their habitat.

  2. c) Fifteen.

  3. b) Reserved land for them and protected them from hunters.

  4. b) To make sure the chicks didn't get used to humans.

  5. b) How to fly and migrate.

  6. c) Eight.

  7. a) It makes them safer from diseases and storms.

  8. b) Crabs, shrimp, and snails.

  9. b) They sleep in the water, so splashing sounds warn them of predators.

  10. b) Radio signals from their leg bands.

  11. Because the planes played a special crane call and gave them treats.

  12. By playing tapes of real whooping cranes and using puppets.

  13. She visited a flock of sandhill cranes and later returned to the refuge.

  14. They still have a small population and face threats.

hello-bryan commented 1 month ago

Exam: Help the Manatees!

Grade Level: 1

Multiple Choice Questions (1 pt each)

  1. Why are people in Florida worried about manatees?

    • a) They are getting lost
    • b) They are in trouble and dying
    • c) They are making too much noise
    • d) They are moving to other states
  2. Where do manatees make their home?

    • a) In the desert
    • b) In warm, shallow water
    • c) In the mountains
    • d) In cold, deep water
  3. What hurts manatees the most?

    • a) People racing power boats in shallow waters
    • b) Other large animals
    • c) Eating too much grass
    • d) Being too friendly
  4. What does the Save the Manatee Club do to help manatees?

    • a) Teach manatees to swim faster
    • b) Educate people and rescue injured manatees
    • c) Move manatees to a new habitat
    • d) Feed manatees special food
  5. How can people help manatees survive?

    • a) Use more water
    • b) Swim faster in their habitat
    • c) Be careful and use less water
    • d) Drive boats quickly

Short Answer Questions (2 pts each)

  1. Why do manatees not have many enemies?

  1. What are some actions the Save the Manatee Club has taken to protect manatees?

Answer Key

  1. b) They are in trouble and dying.

  2. b) In warm, shallow water.

  3. a) People racing power boats in shallow waters.

  4. b) Educate people and rescue injured manatees.

  5. c) Be careful and use less water.

  6. Because they are so large and are related to elephants.

  7. The Save the Manatee Club educates people about manatees, rescues injured manatees, works to change laws, gives away banners and signs to remind boaters to go slow, and teaches people to use less water.

hello-bryan commented 1 month ago

Exam: Roadrunner’s Dance

Grade Level: 1

Multiple Choice Questions (1 pt each)

  1. What did Snake do to the family walking home from the cornfield?

    • a) Gave them directions
    • b) Frightened them with his hiss and fangs
    • c) Helped them carry their basket
    • d) Played with the children
  2. Why did the villagers go to Desert Woman for help?

    • a) To ask for more food
    • b) To get rid of the road
    • c) Because Snake was making the road unsafe
    • d) To find water
  3. What did Desert Woman do to Snake to make him less dangerous?

    • a) Took away his fangs
    • b) Gave him a rattle to warn others
    • c) Made him invisible
    • d) Moved him to a different place
  4. How did the animals feel about confronting Rattlesnake after Desert Woman gave him a rattle?

    • a) Brave and ready
    • b) Too timid and scared
    • c) Excited and happy
    • d) Indifferent
  5. What did Desert Woman create to help deal with Rattlesnake?

    • a) A magical spell
    • b) A new animal called Roadrunner
    • c) A strong cage
    • d) A new road
  6. What gifts did the animals bring to create Roadrunner?

    • a) Water and food
    • b) Feathers, sticks, and stones
    • c) Flowers and leaves
    • d) Gold and jewels
  7. What did Roadrunner have to do to become agile and fast?

    • a) Sleep a lot
    • b) Practice his dance
    • c) Eat special food
    • d) Get help from Rattlesnake
  8. How did Roadrunner finally defeat Rattlesnake?

    • a) By biting him
    • b) By dancing around him and pecking at his tail
    • c) By asking for help
    • d) By hiding from him
  9. What did the villagers and animals say after Roadrunner defeated Rattlesnake?

    • a) They were sad
    • b) They were angry
    • c) They cheered and praised Roadrunner
    • d) They ignored him
  10. What lesson did Roadrunner want everyone to learn after defeating Rattlesnake?

    • a) That he was the new king of the road
    • b) That the road is for everyone to use freely
    • c) That Rattlesnake would never come back
    • d) That Desert Woman was wrong

Short Answer Questions (2 pts each)

  1. Why did Desert Woman give Snake a rattle?

  1. What did Roadrunner need to do to be able to confront Rattlesnake?

  1. How did Roadrunner's practice help him defeat Rattlesnake?

  1. What was the reaction of the villagers and animals after Roadrunner defeated Rattlesnake?

Answer Key

  1. b) Frightened them with his hiss and fangs.

  2. c) Because Snake was making the road unsafe.

  3. b) Gave him a rattle to warn others.

  4. b) Too timid and scared.

  5. b) A new animal called Roadrunner.

  6. b) Feathers, sticks, and stones.

  7. b) Practice his dance.

  8. b) By dancing around him and pecking at his tail.

  9. c) They cheered and praised Roadrunner.

  10. b) That the road is for everyone to use freely.

  11. To warn others when he was about to strike.

  12. He needed to practice his dance.

  13. His practice made him agile and fast, allowing him to dodge Rattlesnake's strikes and peck at his tail.

  14. They cheered and praised Roadrunner, happy that the road was safe to use again.

hello-bryan commented 1 month ago

Exam: Deltona Is Going Batty

Grade Level: 1

Multiple Choice Questions (1 pt each)

  1. What problem is Deltona facing during summer?

    • a) Too much rain
    • b) Too many bugs
    • c) Too many tourists
    • d) Too much noise
  2. What solution did the group in Deltona come up with to solve the bug problem?

    • a) Using bug spray
    • b) Bringing in bats to eat the bugs
    • c) Planting more trees
    • d) Building a fence
  3. Who had to approve the plan to bring bats to Deltona?

    • a) The local business owners
    • b) The mayor and city government
    • c) The police department
    • d) The schools
  4. Where would the bats live in Deltona?

    • a) In people's houses
    • b) In the trees
    • c) In bat houses placed in parks and public places
    • d) In the city hall
  5. Who would pay for the bat houses?

    • a) The government
    • b) Local business people
    • c) The residents
    • d) The volunteers
  6. What was the event called when the first bat house was placed at City Hall?

    • a) Bat Celebration Day
    • b) Bug-Free Day
    • c) Bat House Day
    • d) Summer Fun Day
  7. How long will it take to know if the bats solve Deltona’s bug problem?

    • a) Immediately
    • b) It takes time for bats to find and move into the bat houses
    • c) One week
    • d) One month
  8. What will the local government do if the bats don't help with the bug problem?

    • a) Nothing
    • b) Try something else
    • c) Remove the bat houses
    • d) Bring more bats
  9. How many members are in the Deltona city commission?

    • a) Five
    • b) Six
    • c) Seven
    • d) Eight
  10. What is the role of the city manager in Deltona?

    • a) To make laws
    • b) To work with the mayor, commission, and town departments to provide services
    • c) To teach at the local school
    • d) To plant trees

Short Answer Questions (2 pts each)

  1. Why is the cooperation of the people important for the bat plan to work?

  1. How does Deltona’s local government ensure they meet the needs of the community?

Answer Key

  1. b) Too many bugs.

  2. b) Bringing in bats to eat the bugs.

  3. b) The mayor and city government.

  4. c) In bat houses placed in parks and public places.

  5. b) Local business people.

  6. c) Bat House Day.

  7. b) It takes time for bats to find and move into the bat houses.

  8. b) Try something else.

  9. c) Seven.

  10. b) To work with the mayor, commission, and town departments to provide services.

  11. The cooperation of the people is important because they need to support and follow the plan for it to be successful.

  12. Deltona’s local government ensures they meet the needs of the community by meeting with the people, talking to them, and working together to solve problems.