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Philanthropy & OC Europe #11

Open jfdh opened 2 years ago

jfdh commented 2 years ago


jfdh commented 2 years ago

Goal of the discussion 21/04/2022

Open data about philanthropy Status: prospecting

Scope: foundations (Belgium + EU)

Description Consistent, representative data about philanthropy is missing both at the Belgian and European level.

We need the philanthropy sector to be able to produce macro indicators about itself. One piece of the puzzle is the publication of philanthropic activities, in particular of grants, in an open and standardized way by foundations and donors.

We strive to promote the publication of open data about philanthropy, as well as to find solution to produce better indicators about the sector.

Status In Belgium:

The KBF is able to publish its grants in open data following. The federation of Belgian philanthropic foundation is planning to create a database of foundations in Belgium Through the federation, we have started discussion with other Belgian foundation to convince them to publish their grants in open data We need to discuss the adoption of a common standard and taxonomy, but this should be aligned with the European level. In Europe:

Many actors are working towards that goal, but there is a real lack of coordination between the different actors. A lot of awareness work is still needed to convince more foundations to publish their data. The covid-19 crisis has been an accelerator to be transparent about philanthropic activities. A coalition of actors, coordinated by Dafne, is planning a study to map the different open data initiatives in European foundations, which would serve as a basis for a coordinated open data action.

jfdh commented 2 years ago

FRB - 3 chantiers

TGE (inclure Sophie)

Proposition d’affiner nos terms and conditions pour match les leurs

Essayer avec la due diligence d’OCE et essayer avec 2-3 collectifs

Open Data (inclure Sophie)

Voir avec François pour se former sur l’API. Le but étant de donner accès à la FRB à tous les filtres (de tous les hosts)

Appel à projets

Voir comment je peux lancer des appels à projets avec la FRB pour amener plus de projets vers la plateforme.

jfdh commented 2 years ago

Tools for due diligence: