hello-robot / stretch_ros2

ROS 2 packages for the Stretch mobile manipulators from Hello Robot Inc.
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Add Nav2 support #31

Closed hello-chintan closed 1 year ago

hello-chintan commented 1 year ago

This PR adds initial support for Nav2 with the following changes:

  1. Reorgs the stretch_navigation package according to ROS 2 convention
  2. Adds nav2_params.yaml file which is the master params file for nav2
  3. Adds launch files that support mapping and navigation and an experimental launch that allows navigation while mapping
  4. Adds an example for the simple commander Python API
  5. Updates multithreading in stretch_driver

There are no known issues, but thorough testing is advised because of the minor but significant change affecting stretch_driver pertaining to multithreaded execution.