hello-robot / stretch_ros2

ROS 2 packages for the Stretch mobile manipulators from Hello Robot Inc.
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Fix for executing keyboard teleop node from launch file #43

Closed hello-atharva closed 1 year ago

hello-atharva commented 1 year ago


Fixes stdin for termios used by the keyboard teleop node. This is done by adding a launch prefix to execute the keyboard_teleop node in a new xterm window.

How to test

Build the colcon workspace and launch keyboard teleop:

ros2 launch stretch_core keyboard_teleop.launch.py 

You should be able to tele-operate the robot without any stdin issues.

hello-chintan commented 1 year ago

@hello-atharva Looks great! Requires one minor change in the keyboard_teleop.launch.py file. The teleop works best in position mode, so we want to launch stretch_driver in 'position' mode instead of 'trajectory' mode. Could you make that change?

Barring the above fix, this PR seems ready to merge.

hello-atharva commented 1 year ago