Closed hello-binit closed 5 months ago
I turned on Depth Sensing visualization in the interface, and a few moments later, I see this error and the video streams freeze:
[] Publishing reconfigured video stream [] depth [] depth [] depth [] depth [] depth [] Traceback (most recent call last): [] File "/home/hello-robot/ament_ws/install/stretch_web_teleop/lib/stretch_web_teleop/", line 318, in <module> [] rclpy.spin(node) [] File "/opt/ros/humble/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/rclpy/", line 222, in spin [] executor.spin_once() [] File "/opt/ros/humble/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/rclpy/", line 739, in spin_once [] self._spin_once_impl(timeout_sec) [] File "/opt/ros/humble/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/rclpy/", line 736, in _spin_once_impl [] raise handler.exception() [] File "/opt/ros/humble/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/rclpy/", line 239, in __call__ [] self._handler.send(None) [] File "/opt/ros/humble/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/rclpy/", line 437, in handler [] await call_coroutine(entity, arg) [] File "/opt/ros/humble/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/rclpy/", line 362, in _execute_subscription [] await await_or_execute(sub.callback, msg) [] File "/opt/ros/humble/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/rclpy/", line 107, in await_or_execute [] return callback(*args) [] File "/opt/ros/humble/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/message_filters/", line 83, in callback [] self.signalMessage(msg) [] File "/opt/ros/humble/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/message_filters/", line 64, in signalMessage [] cb(*(msg + args)) [] File "/opt/ros/humble/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/message_filters/", line 313, in add [] self.signalMessage(*msgs) [] File "/opt/ros/humble/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/message_filters/", line 64, in signalMessage [] cb(*(msg + args)) [] File "/home/hello-robot/ament_ws/install/stretch_web_teleop/lib/stretch_web_teleop/", line 271, in realsense_cb [] if self.depth_ar: img = self.pc_callback(pc, img) [] File "/home/hello-robot/ament_ws/install/stretch_web_teleop/lib/stretch_web_teleop/", line 155, in pc_callback [] img[x_idx, img.shape[1] - 1 - y_idx, :] = [255, 191, 0, 50] [] IndexError: index 425 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 424 [ERROR] []: process has died [pid 111906, exit code 1, cmd '/home/hello-robot/ament_ws/install/stretch_web_teleop/lib/stretch_web_teleop/ /home/hello-robot/ament_ws/install/stretch_web_teleop/share/stretch_web_teleop/config/configure_video_streams_params.yaml --ros-args']. [...] [rosbridge_websocket-11] [ERROR] [1707440191.616611396] [rosbridge_websocket]: [Client 7034eeba-86d2-4603-b3e6-d1def1da687a] [id: call_service:/depth_ar:20] call_service InvalidServiceException: Service /depth_ar does not exist
This will be fixed by #48 . Amongst the other changes in that PR, I filter for in-bounds pixels before coloring them.
I turned on Depth Sensing visualization in the interface, and a few moments later, I see this error and the video streams freeze: