hello-smile6 / Catalyst

Catalyst web browser
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Take Down Request #7

Open jdev082 opened 2 years ago

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

You should but cannot be forced to, delete this repository. However, I won't be happy and consequences may happen if all repositories that are and related to the Catalyst project. Delete it, please.

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

It is MY project so I should have every write to ask you to please take this repository down.

jdev082 commented 2 years ago


webdev03 commented 2 years ago

Wha.. but I wrote most of the code

webdev03 commented 2 years ago

Cant we continue?

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

Cant we continue?

Please list the files and code that you have wrote, (Not including Ninetails code). Your code will be returned, by file not by line.

hello-smile6 commented 2 years ago


I'm looking into it. If I am not legally obligated to delete this, it's not going to be deleted.

webdev03 commented 2 years ago

I've written bookmarks, most of index, tabs (well that might go to mystpi), favicons, welcome page, tailwind, more menu, implementing bootstrap icons

jdev082 commented 2 years ago


I'm looking into it. If I am not legally obligated to delete this, it's not going to be deleted.

I cannot force, but can only ask. Please notice that any software I can... I will put in measures to prevent you from using it. Completely allowed. I find it quite rude to deny this.

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

Catalyst is a failure, I don't want it to be remembered. I don't want a single line of code to be ANYWHERE on the Internet.

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

Please contribute to this request.

webdev03 commented 2 years ago

I have every file on my computer by the way

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

@webdev03 on the internet I mean, go ahead and delete the code you didn't write.

hello-smile6 commented 2 years ago


I'm looking into it. If I am not legally obligated to delete this, it's not going to be deleted.

I cannot force, but can only ask. Please notice that any software I can... I will put in measures to prevent you from using it. Completely allowed. I find it quite rude to deny this.

Considering that @webdev03 is the #1 contributor for content deletions and the #2 contributor overall, it seems like they should have some input. Also, as far as I can tell, I am not obligated in any way to delete this. https://mit-license.org/#:~:text=rights%20to%20use%2C-,copy%2C%20modify,-%2C%20merge%2C%20publish%2C%20distribute

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

@hello-smile6 Fine, you can keep the code. However I will not allow you to change the license. It will stay as MIT and rights for all users will be kept.

hello-smile6 commented 2 years ago

@hello-smile6 Fine, you can keep the code. However I will not allow you to change the license. It will stay as MIT and rights for all users will be kept.

I couldn't change the license, even if I wanted to. https://mit-license.org/

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

@hello-smile6 alright, continue development. I'm staying out of it.

hello-smile6 commented 2 years ago

@hello-smile6 alright, continue development. I'm staying out of it.

I don't understand the code, anyway. Would you be okay if I put a copy on https://archive.org/ ?

webdev03 commented 2 years ago

Catalyst is a failure, I don't want it to be remembered. I don't want a single line of code to be ANYWHERE on the Internet.

It isn't a failure. In reality, it's helped me and many others contribute to open source and expand our knowledge

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

@webdev03 Wrote most of it, ask him.

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

Catalyst is a failure, I don't want it to be remembered. I don't want a single line of code to be ANYWHERE on the Internet.

It isn't a failure. In reality, it's helped me and many others contribute to open source and expand our knowledge

Doubtful, it started breaking as soon as I added my own code.

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

Dozens of projects fail every month due to lack of usage, and just failure over all. I really should just go back to making scratch games.

hello-smile6 commented 2 years ago

Catalyst is a failure, I don't want it to be remembered. I don't want a single line of code to be ANYWHERE on the Internet.

It isn't a failure. In reality, it's helped me and many others contribute to open source and expand our knowledge

Same for me. That also applies to Freecat. I probably would've made a lot more rickrolls by now if I hadn't done that.

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

Closing as solved.

hello-smile6 commented 2 years ago

Dozens of projects fail every month due to lack of usage, and just failure over all. I really should just go back to making scratch games.

I have to say, you're right about projects failing, judging from the number of "deprecated" warnings when I run npm install. However, neither of your web browsers have failed. People have just fought a bit too much over details.

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

why reopen and pin, since I own this issue can't i just have it kept closed :/

hello-smile6 commented 2 years ago

why reopen and pin, since I own this issue can't i just have it kept closed :/

I want it pinned.

jdev082 commented 2 years ago


hello-smile6 commented 2 years ago

I want it opened.

jdev082 commented 2 years ago


hello-smile6 commented 2 years ago



webdev03 commented 2 years ago

@JaydenDev your dependabot is still on.

hello-smile6 commented 2 years ago

@JaydenDev your dependabot is still on.

How??? They deleted their repo. Or did they make it private? If it's private, could I have access?

webdev03 commented 2 years ago

Don't know how, but Dependabot is still making PRs

hello-smile6 commented 2 years ago

Don't know how, but Dependabot is still making PRs

Could you run a proxy that lets people send authenticated HTTP GET requests to that repository? I'd like to be able to access it.

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

I'll be working on https://github.com/JaydenDev/searchocean

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

@hello-smile6 the repository is public now

hello-smile6 commented 2 years ago

I'll be working on https://github.com/JaydenDev/searchocean

Cool! Can I contribute?

webdev03 commented 2 years ago

Anyways now a Svelte browser is in the works I'll contribute to.

hello-smile6 commented 2 years ago

Anyways now a Svelte browser is in the works I'll contribute to.


webdev03 commented 2 years ago

An ATer is working on it.

hello-smile6 commented 2 years ago

An ATer is working on it.

Which? Also, (for me) ocular.jeffalo.net/browse/31

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

I'll be working on https://github.com/JaydenDev/searchocean

Cool! Can I contribute?

oh heck no, I want this to look pristine and modern

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

i dont want other people to end up doing the majority of the coding... again.

hello-smile6 commented 2 years ago

I'll be working on https://github.com/JaydenDev/searchocean

Cool! Can I contribute?

oh heck no, I want this to look pristine and modern

That's rude.

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

@hello-smile6 ya know what you did last time your broke freecat remember?

webdev03 commented 2 years ago

Hey, about freecat, @JaydenDev what happened with Prettier?

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

@webdev03 SOMEBODY (@hello-smile6) decided to run prettier which is a known destroyer of perfectly good code.

hello-smile6 commented 2 years ago

@webdev03 SOMEBODY (@hello-smile6) decided to run prettier which is a known destroyer of perfectly good code.

Didn't run it on that last PR.

jdev082 commented 2 years ago

@hello-smile6 ok? and? you still broke FC twice.

hello-smile6 commented 2 years ago

@hello-smile6 ok? and? you still broke FC twice.

And fixed it more than twice, too.