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实战CPS(Continuation-passing style) #19

Open hello2dj opened 5 years ago

hello2dj commented 5 years ago

关于CPS 原文地址

暂时理解为callback(比较直观一些), 当然也不能等同, 因为在cps的世界中所有的都是callback形式。试想一下一个语言里只有回调没有return,没有for,没有异常,没有throw, 没有break, 没有你所见过的各种语言的功能。因为通过cps他们都可以被实现。

state = (Store, Continuation, Env) 计算机计算 == 状态转换 == (存储, Continuation(后续,当前执行的计算的剩余计算过程), 环境)

cps是在1970s出现的一种编程风格,在1980s和1990s作为高级语言编译器的中间展示形式有着突出的表现 如今他作为非阻塞系统的编程风格再次被提起(通常是分布式) cps在我的心中始终战友一席之地,因为他是我在Ph.D时期的秘密武器,他缩短了我取得Ph.D的时间,并且减少很多痛苦(agnoy) 这片文章介绍了cps的两个方面,一是在js中的异步编程风格,二是简单的介绍一下他在函数式语言中的中间(intermediate)形式


what is continuation-passing style?

  What are continuations?
  Concretely, a continuation is a procedure that represents the remaining steps in a computation. For the expression 3 * (f() + 8), think about the remaining steps in the compuation after evaluating the expression f(). For example, in C/Java, the procedure current_continuation is the continuation of the call to f():

  void current_continuation(int result) {
    result += 8 ;
    result *= 3 ;
    (continuation of 3 * (f() + 8))(result) ;
  The value passed to the continuation is the return value of the call.

上面这段解释在说continuation 就是当前计算(computation)所剩余的其他计算,这也就解释continuation为什么叫continuation了,因为他就是当前计算的'后续'(后续过程):即后续的计算, 比如: let a = 3; let b = 4; 那么’let a = 3;‘的 continuation 就是 ’let b = 4;‘等后续计算步骤。对于上面的f(), 他的continutation就是 ’( + 8) * 3‘

如果一个语言支持continuation, 那么编程者就可以添加一些控制结构好比异常处理,回溯(backtracking),线程和生成器

不幸的是,许多关于continuations的解释让人感到模糊和不解,(Such power deserves a solid pedagogical foundation.Continuation-passing style is that foundation)这样强大的工具应当有一个坚实的教学基础,而cps就是那个基础(可以简单的理解为callback)。

cps通过代码给出了continuation的意义 有一个更好的方式可以让编程者自己了解cps,那就是通过遵守下面的一个限制或者约定:任何一段程序都禁止向他的调用者返回

function a () {...}

这里有另一个对cps说法, cps使得控制流显示化----你不需要return,throw, break, continue, 不允许任意的跳转,甚至不允许在async function中使用for,while, 一般来说,手动编写cps是不直观并且容易出错的

举个栗子 Identity function


function id(x) {
return x ;

function id(x,cc) { cc(x) ; }

再举个栗子 Naive factorial(简单的阶乘)

function fact(n) {
if (n == 0)
return 1 ;
return n * fact(n-1) ;


function fact(n,ret) {
if (n == 0)
fact(n-1, function (t0) {
ret(n * t0);


fact (5, function (n) { 
console.log(n) ; // Prints 120 in Firebug.

尾递归的栗子 Tail-recursive factorial

function fact(n) {
return tail_fact(n,1) ;

function tail_fact(n,a) { if (n == 0) return a ; else return tail_fact(n-1,n*a) ; }


function fact(n,ret) { tail_fact(n,1,ret) ; }

function tail_fact(n,a,ret) { if (n == 0) ret(a) ; else tail_fact(n-1,n*a,ret) ; }

### cps和ajax

/* fetch is an optionally-blocking procedure for client->server requests.

If only a url is given, the procedure blocks and returns the contents of the url.

If an onSuccess callback is provided, the procedure is non-blocking, and the callback is invoked with the contents of the file.

If an onFail callback is also provided, the procedure calls onFail in the event of a failure.


function fetch (url, onSuccess, onFail) {

// Async only if a callback is defined: var async = onSuccess ? true : false ; // (Don't complain about the inefficiency // of this line; you're missing the point.)

var req ; // XMLHttpRequest object.

// The XMLHttpRequest callback: function processReqChange() { if (req.readyState == 4) { if (req.status == 200) { if (onSuccess) onSuccess(req.responseText, url, req) ; } else { if (onFail) onFail(url, req) ; } } }

// Create the XMLHttpRequest object: if (window.XMLHttpRequest) req = new XMLHttpRequest(); else if (window.ActiveXObject) req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");

// If asynchronous, set the callback: if (async) req.onreadystatechange = processReqChange;

// Fire off the request: req.open("GET", url, async); req.send(null);

// If asynchronous, // return request object; or else // return the response. if (async) return req ; else return req.responseText ; }

### cps 和非阻塞编程

var sys = require('sys') ; var http = require('http') ; var url = require('url') ; var fs = require('fs') ;

// Web server root: var DocRoot = "./www/" ;

// Create the web server with a handler callback: var httpd = http.createServer(function (req, res) { sys.puts(" request: " + req.url) ;

// Parse the url: var u = url.parse(req.url,true) ; var path = u.pathname.split("/") ;

// Strip out .. in the path: var localPath = u.pathname ; // "

/.." => "" var localPath = localPath.replace(/[^/]+\/+[.][.]/g,"") ; // ".." => "." var localPath = DocRoot +
localPath.replace(/[.][.]/g,".") ;

sys.puts(" local path: " + localPath) ;

// Read in the requested file, and send it back. // Note: readFile takes the current continuation: fs.readFile(localPath, function (err,data) { var headers = {} ;

if (err) {
  headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain" ;
  res.writeHead(404, headers);
  res.write("404 File Not Found\n") ;
  res.end() ;  
} else {
  var mimetype = MIMEType(u.pathname) ;

  // If we can't find a content type, 
  // let the client guess.
  if (mimetype)
    headers["Content-Type"] = mimetype ;

  res.writeHead(200, headers) ;
  res.write(data) ;
  res.end() ;   

}) ; }) ;

// Map extensions to MIME Types: var MIMETypes = { "html" : "text/html" , "js" : "text/javascript" , "css" : "text/css" , "txt" : "text/plain" } ;

function MIMEType(filename) { var parsed = filename.match(/.$/) ; if (!parsed) return false ; var ext = parsed[1] ; return MIMETypes[ext] ; }

// Start the server, listening to port 8000: httpd.listen(8000) ;

### cps 和分布式计算

function choose (n, k) { return fact(n) / (fact(k) * fact(n-k)); }


function choose(n, k, ret) { fact(n, function (factn) { fact(n - k, function (factnk) { fact(k, function (factk) { return (factn / (factnk * factk)); }); }); }); }


function fact(n, ret) { fetch("./fact/" + n, function (res) { ret(eval(res)); }); }

### 使用cps实现异常
通过沿着current continuation传递current exceptional continuation,可以替换try/catch 语法糖

function fact (n) { if (n < 0) throw "n < 0" ; else if (n == 0) return 1 ; else return n * fact(n-1) ; }

function total_fact (n) { try { return fact(n) ; } catch (ex) { return false ; } }

document.write("total_fact(10): " + total_fact(10)) ; document.write("total_fact(-1): " + total_fact(-1)) ;

通过添加exceptional continuation, 见下

//与node不同,node只是部分cps,而这中处理就是完全的cps function fact (n,ret,thro) { if (n < 0) thro("n < 0") else if (n == 0) ret(1) else fact(n-1, function (t0) { ret(n*t0) ; }, thro) }

function total_fact (n,ret) { fact (n,ret, function (ex) { ret(false) ; }) ; }

total_fact(10, function (res) { document.write("total_fact(10): " + res) }) ;

total_fact(-1, function (res) { document.write("total_fact(-1): " + res) }) ;

### cps与编译
cps 去掉了retrun, 异常和first-class continuations(将continuation作为编程语言的一等公民)的语法糖
> 如果上面没有看明白的话,请移步这篇文章[如何写一个支持CPS的语言](http://lisperator.net/pltut/),英文版有时间我再翻译一下。