helloSystem / hello

Desktop system for creators with a focus on simplicity, elegance, and usability. Based on FreeBSD. Less, but better!
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[Enhancement] We need a more "SEO" Friendly name #42

Open VoltaVX opened 3 years ago

VoltaVX commented 3 years ago

Heya! I just found about this project, and honestly, I'm beyond impressed. I've been looking for something like this for who knows how long, especially with the self-contained app's system, I don't know, but that's an aspect macOS has always impressed me with. By keeping apps centralized, it reduces system-wide clutter, prevents dependency hell, and well, if there's a non-apple option (especially since Hackintoshing is going to become extremely hard now that Apple is using ARM), so an operating system that has that brings the core features I always desired from an operating system is just a blessing.

But that being said, I think the name might make it difficult to find the distribution. Anytime I search up Hello BSD, you'll get introduction websites to OpenBSD, random Pinterest posts, and what not. I think the project needs a more "unique" name which is easy enough for users to easily remember, but different enough for it to be at the top of google search results.

Why not name it something like BSDFMM (BSD For Mere Mortals), a lot of operating systems are named after an acronym, I mean, BSD is an acronym itself hahaha.

Or maybe something like JMOS (Just Mortals Operating System), or TAO (morTAl Os).

probonopd commented 3 years ago

Which name is friendly and welcoming to "mere mortals" and in line with our design philosophy you think?

VoltaVX commented 3 years ago

Which name is friendly and welcoming to "mere mortals" and in line with our design philosophy you think?

  • JMOS
  • TAO
  • hello

I understand your point, and I know this topic is highly dependent on personal opinion, while I love the current name of the project, I just feel like it might be a bit too vague and will confuse search algorithms, which would make it hard for people to find the project in the first place. I've read all of the documentation regarding the philosophy of this project, and I heavily stand behind it.

I'm just saying there should be a name-drafting event where users can put down possible names, and you'll be able to choose the top 3 ones that are: unique, catchy, and specific. Specific in the sense that if you google if, that'll be the first thing you'd see in the search results. Currently, when I look up "Hello BSD", you'd just see articles regarding getting started with Open BSD, Because google thinks you're searching for an article rather than this amazing project.

But now that I think about it, how about just renaming it to "HelloOS", maybe by combining "hello" and "OS" together, it might help ya get this project more to the top when people search for it :)

I'm just hoping these things will help increase the project's popularity and attention, I really, REALLY want to see the project take off, it's pretty much what I've always wanted from an open-source operating system. In that note, thank you for making this project in the first place :)

JakoDel commented 3 years ago

Which name is friendly and welcoming to "mere mortals" and in line with our design philosophy you think?

  • JMOS
  • TAO
  • hello

HelloOS would definitely be more recognizable than just "hello" and at the same time still welcoming to normal users.

probonopd commented 3 years ago
shilch commented 3 years ago

@VoltaVX While I agree with you that "hello" is not SEO-friendly, I don't think putting "BSD" into the name is very user-friendly. The user shouldn't really need to know that it's based on BSD, the same way Windows users don't know about the NT kernel and macOS users don't know about Darwin.
I like "helloOS" but I'm unsure about there being two o next to each other: helloOS.

HumanEquivalentUnit commented 3 years ago

Are you aware the name is very close to a trademarked Microsoft Windows feature? https://euipo.europa.eu/eSearch/#details/trademarks/W01275138

shilch commented 3 years ago

@HumanEquivalentUnit I think "hello" is pretty generic. And as you can see further down the page it says "security software" and "online computing services", so there shouldn't be any conflict. IANAL though

VoltaVX commented 3 years ago

@HumanEquivalentUnit I think "hello" is pretty generic. And as you can see further down the page it says "security software" and "online computing services", so there shouldn't be any conflict. IANAL though

iAnal would be the peak of operating systems that humanity can make.

On a serious note, I agree with Shilch's comment regarding the two o's next to each other, that's why I was a bit hesitant to suggest that name in the original post because, I don't know, it doesn't look too aesthetically pleasing. How about something like, "MereOS"?

Here's some other ideas: "QuanticaOS" (I kinda like this name not going to lie, checked and there's no OS projects named like that" "AtomiumOS" "AxenOS"

Or here's my personal pick that's both user-friendly, not taken, and pretty unique: "MomentumOS"

probonopd commented 3 years ago

iAnal would be the peak of operating systems that humanity can make

+1 for fun, +1 for creativity. -2 for NSFW :1st_place_medal:

VoltaVX commented 3 years ago

iAnal would be the peak of operating systems that humanity can make

+1 for fun, +1 for creativity. -2 for NSFW 🥇

Hey, still better than having negative points, so I consider it a win

ron-wolf commented 3 years ago

helloOS is probably the simplest disambiguation. HelloComputer is very friendly, but might sound like it's referring to a hardware product… which is a hard distinction to make to the average end-user. hiOS and heyOS are pretty short & sweet. yoOS is a bit more awkward. yOS is sort of funny to me though, because it sounds sort of like a parody of “iOS”, but also like a frustrated utterance: “Why, OS!??”

roired commented 3 years ago

UMMANOS? image

NitroNils commented 3 years ago

HellOS HelloOS optimised (joke). I think the double oO's could be a really cool feature in a logo, i.e two different size, cartoony eyes:


Also a reference to Xeyes(1). Note: This is a complete mock up - I'm no professional! Also 'helloos' is maybe slightly friendlier as a search term.

grahamperrin commented 3 years ago

yosys, but it's taken https://github.com/YosysHQ