hellochick / PSPNet-tensorflow

TensorFlow-based implementation of "Pyramid Scene Parsing Network".
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unexpected segmentation after training #49

Closed AyaMohamedS closed 5 years ago

AyaMohamedS commented 6 years ago

i used a subset of ade20k images with their colored masks to train the network image after tuning over the dataset i found so poor accuracy capture1

i don't know the reason of such result, i adjusted some lines from train.py such as

is_training=False                                       #"Whether to updates the running means and variances during the training."
not_restore_last=False  #true to train with different no. of classes     #"Whether to not restore last (FC) layers."
random_mirror=False                                     #"Whether to randomly mirror the inputs during the training."
random_scale=False                                      #"Whether to randomly scale the inputs during the training."
update_mean_var= False                                  #"whether to get update_op from tf.Graphic_Keys"
train_beta_gamma=False                                  #"whether to train beta & gamma in bn layer"

BATCH_SIZE = 1                                          #"Number of images sent to the network in one step."
DATA_DIRECTORY = 'D:/mobileNetPSPNet/dataset/indoor/'                #"Path to the directory containing the dataset."
DATA_LIST_PATH = './list/ade20k_train_indoor_list.txt'             #"Path to the file listing the images in the dataset."

INPUT_SIZE = '473,473'                                  #"Comma-separated string with height and width of images."
LEARNING_RATE = 1e-3                                    #"Base learning rate for training with polynomial decay."
MOMENTUM = 0.9                                          #"Momentum component of the optimiser."
NUM_CLASSES = 150                                       #"Number of classes to predict (including background)."
NUM_STEPS = 7522                                       #"Number of training steps."
POWER = 0.9                                             #"Decay parameter to compute the learning rate."
RANDOM_SEED = 1234                                      #"Random seed to have reproducible results."
WEIGHT_DECAY = 0.0001                                   #"Regularisation parameter for L2-loss."
RESTORE_FROM = './model/ade20k/x/'                       #"Where restore model parameters from."
SNAPSHOT_DIR = './model/ade20k/x/'                     #"Where to save snapshots of the model."
SAVE_NUM_IMAGES = 4                                     #"How many images to save."
SAVE_PRED_EVERY = 50                                    #"Save summaries and checkpoint every often."

restore_var = [v for v in tf.global_variables() if 'conv6' not in v.name]
opt_conv = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate, MOMENTUM)   #multiply by zero to make no update in weights for the first layers in the network

but the segmented image done by the downloaded model.ckpt capture2

AyaMohamedS commented 5 years ago

Duplicate of #50