Closed reydri closed 5 years ago
Thank you for your submission! I already seen your project and I don't think this is enough for Proclub :/
A lot of thing must be improved such as your website layout and your chosen color...
i kinda agree with @wisn , first of all you should organize your file to ease your development, and i would like to suggest. you could use a css framework (i recommended bulma )to make you project prettier and faster to develop.
and i also want to clarify that a front end is not the same as web design, so you should implement the user interactivity to your front end application to make it complete
good luck and happy hacking
and i don't think it would be a good idea to include your styling in the html files, please make separate css files
@BlinfoldKing @wisn saya sudah sedikit memperbaiki layout dan pemilihan warna
just as i said you should implement user interactivity to make your application complete or else your application is just a mere web design
Kasih contoh dong kak satu yang contoh interaktivitas itu kayak gmana?
well because your application is all about e-commerce there should a feature that user can select an item, buy it, other functionality like login and etc. but as the handbook explained you don't have to connect it to a back end, maybe you could simulate the data
like onchange dropdown ? hmmm if i make login and register using dummy data and save it to array in js, is that enough kak ? hmmm ok kak i think i will use vue js for some functionality, i will do it soon before 23.59
@reydri it would be enogh gotta hurry tho, the clock's ticking
@BlinfoldKing sudah saya update kak, saya pakein vuejs, walaupun simple, dan saudah nambah interkativity seperti ada popup, dan ada state local di frontend nya untuk login dan register nya. nuhun kak
Name : Reyhan Alkadri Nim : 1301164700 Major : S1 Teknik Informatika Github Account : LinkedIn Account : Project Link :