hellotham / hello-astro

Hello Astro is a multi purpose Astro starter theme written in Typescript, TailwindCSS and AlpineJS. It supports Markdown and MDX based pages and blog posts.
MIT License
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Change Color Theme #13

Open lzbaumgart opened 1 year ago

lzbaumgart commented 1 year ago

Has some easy way to change color from purple to green?

ex-harry commented 1 year ago

What easy way - nothing post?

ChristineTham commented 1 year ago

Has some easy way to change color from purple to green?

Global search and replace '-purple-' with '-green-'?

OlllllllO commented 1 year ago

Also from this page https://hellotham.github.io/hello-astro/blog/2022-08-27-how-to-use/

The default colour scheme is purple (#663399). Change to your preferred hue by doing a global search and replace of ‘-purple-’ to your favourite colour.

It's still not clear on how to define a specific hex code for "green".