hellotham / hello-astro

Hello Astro is a multi purpose Astro starter theme written in Typescript, TailwindCSS and AlpineJS. It supports Markdown and MDX based pages and blog posts.
MIT License
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Scroll position lost when navigating #19

Open dandv opened 1 year ago

dandv commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the really nice theme!

Is there any way to remember the scroll position when navigating back to the homepage?

  1. Go to https://hellotham.github.io/hello-astro/
  2. Scroll down and click on tags
  3. Press the browser back button.

The page will be scrolled back to the top, instead of remembering the scroll position.

Firefox 116.0 (64-bit).

ChristineTham commented 1 year ago

Hello, thanks for your feedback.

One option you can try is to remove the following line from src/layouts/base.astro:

    <ViewTransitions />