hellovuong / stella_vslam

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Could you kindly push your local changes? #1

Closed EndlessPeak closed 4 months ago

EndlessPeak commented 4 months ago

Hello, sorry to bother you, and thank you for your great work. I noticed that you mentioned in https://github.com/stella-cv/stella_vslam that you would push your local changes, but GitHub still shows your last commit was from last year. Do you have any plans to push your local changes soon?

hellovuong commented 4 months ago

Hi, I pushed it to this branch https://github.com/hellovuong/stella_vslam/tree/hloc_wip It contained new tracking mode UNSTABLE and require robot model to use it

EndlessPeak commented 4 months ago

That's very kind of you,I'm so grateful.

EndlessPeak commented 4 months ago
  1. Seems src/stella_vslam/util/geometry.h is missing,and it's required by src/stella_vslam/tracking_module.cc. I tried to add geometry.h by the following code:
    #include <Eigen/Geometry>
    #include <cmath>

namespace stella_vslam::util::geometry { double get_yaw(const Eigen::Quaterniond& q) { // Convert the quaternion to a 3x3 rotation matrix Eigen::Matrix3d rot_matrix = q.toRotationMatrix();

    // Calculate the yaw angle from the rotation matrix.
    // atan2 is used to get the angle in the correct quadrant.
    double yaw = std::atan2(rot_matrix(1, 0), rot_matrix(0, 0));

    return yaw; // Return the yaw angle in radians

} // namespace stella_vslam::util::geometry

2. In `tracking_module.cc`, `#include<se3quat.h>` is missing,I guess it is `#include <g2o/types/slam3d/se3quat.h>`?
EndlessPeak commented 4 months ago

There is another file missing: src/stella_vslam/optimize/internal/se3/dumb_perspective_factor.h which is required by src/stella_vslam/optimize/pose_optimizaer_g2o.cc, I can't infer the details of this file.

hellovuong commented 4 months ago

I pushed those files, sorry I missed it out

EndlessPeak commented 4 months ago

I’m confused because both the hloc branch and the hloc_wip branch aren’t functioning properly. Since hloc_wip is the latest branch, let me describe the issues I encountered on this branch.

The entire program compiles successfully. I added config content in yaml files just like you wrote in openloris folder. The only difference is that I didn't add odometry part because I don't know the parameters for rgbd tum exactly.

When I run the command ./run_tum_rgdb_slam -d ../../datasets/rgbd_dataset_freiburg2_pioneer_slam -c ../example/tum_rgbd/TUM_RGBD_rgbd_2.yaml --no-sleep, I encounter a cv::Exception: assertion failed, indicating that there is no image to resize.

Later, after rebuilding with debugging enabled, I discovered that it encounters an assert in the hf_net::compute_global_descriptors function, specifically at assert(not img.empty());

bool hf_net::compute_global_descriptors(const cv::Mat& img, cv::Mat& globalDescriptors) {
    assert(not img.empty());
    cv::Mat resizedImg;
    cv::resize(img, resizedImg, cv::Size(mInputShape.d[2], mInputShape.d[1]));
    // prepare input
    Mat2Tensor(resizedImg, input_tensors[0]);
    // infer
    if (!infer()) {
        return false;
    // get output
    GetGlobalDescriptorFromTensor(output_tensors[2], globalDescriptors);

    return true;

Further investigation led me to the caller hf_net_database::computeRepresentation(const std::shared_ptr<keyframe>& keyframe) in hf_net_database.cpp ,I added:

void hf_net_database::computeRepresentation(const std::shared_ptr<keyframe>& keyframe) {
    assert(not keyframe->img.empty());
    hf_net_->compute_global_descriptors(keyframe->img.clone(), keyframe->frm_obs_.global_descriptors_);

Despite this, it still triggers the assertion failure, indicating that the keyframe is unable to obtain the image.

But the run_tum_rgbd_slam should obtain the rgb folder and the depth folder properly,otherwise,it will complain could not load timestamp from folder and throwing std::runtime_error.

Am I overlooking something?

hellovuong commented 4 months ago

in this line https://github.com/hellovuong/stella_vslam/blob/ba6a30b65e69172723ff8d405ebfcbf4ccbce018/src/stella_vslam/system.cc#L461 can you change in from return feed_frame(create_RGBD_frame(rgb_img, depthmap, timestamp, mask, robot_pose, vel), rgb_img); to: return feed_frame(create_RGBD_frame(rgb_img.clone(), depthmap, timestamp, mask, robot_pose, vel), rgb_img.clone()); And run in debug mode, then put break point everytime slam create new keyframe to check its image is not empty?

EndlessPeak commented 4 months ago

Changing the line 461 don't work.

I found hf_net_database::computeRepresentation(const std::shared_ptr<keyframe>& keyframe) was finally called by initializer::create_map_for_stereo(data::base_place_recognition* vpr, data::frame& curr_frm) and this assert will trigger.

bool initializer::create_map_for_stereo(data::base_place_recognition* vpr, data::frame& curr_frm) {
    assert(state_ == initializer_state_t::Initializing);
    // create an initial keyframe
    auto curr_keyfrm = data::keyframe::make_keyframe(map_db_->next_keyframe_id_++, curr_frm);
    assert(not curr_keyfrm->img.empty()); // this assert will trigger
    // compute BoW representation
    // add to the map DB

In keyframe.cc, seems there has no code for assigning the img.

std::shared_ptr<keyframe> keyframe::make_keyframe(unsigned int id, const frame& frm) {
    auto ptr = std::allocate_shared<keyframe>(Eigen::aligned_allocator<keyframe>(), id, frm);
    // covisibility graph node (connections is not assigned yet)
    ptr->graph_node_ = stella_vslam::make_unique<graph_node>(ptr);
    return ptr;

Since the frame does not contain the img attribute, and the img is not assigned a value in the data::keyframe::make_keyframe function, would it make sense to trigger an assert assertion in the initializer?

(Sorry I am poor in using gdb for debugging muti-thread program)

EndlessPeak commented 4 months ago

There was a minor issue with the analysis in the final section last night. Now, I believe the problem is as follows: in tracking_module::initialize, the function initializer_.initialize(camera_->setup_type_, vpr_db_, curr_frm_); is called.

bool tracking_module::initialize() {
    // My guess: This initializer will insert keyframe without img assigned
    initializer_.initialize(camera_->setup_type_, vpr_db_, curr_frm_);

    // Now the img is assigned,but it is a litte late.
    for (const auto& keyfrm : curr_frm_.ref_keyfrm_->graph_node_->get_keyframes_from_root()) {
        // TODO: this trick only works for stereo/rgbd case
        keyfrm->img = curr_img_.clone();

    // succeeded
    return true;

This function invokes create_map_for_stereo(vpr_db, curr_frm); .

bool initializer::initialize(const camera::setup_type_t setup_type,
                             data::base_place_recognition* vpr_db, data::frame& curr_frm) {
    switch (setup_type) {
        case camera::setup_type_t::Stereo:
        case camera::setup_type_t::RGBD: {
            state_ = initializer_state_t::Initializing;

            // try to initialize
            if (!try_initialize_for_stereo(curr_frm)) {
                // failed
                return false;

            // create new map if succeeded
            create_map_for_stereo(vpr_db, curr_frm);

Where the keyframe created here does not receive an assignment for img.

bool initializer::create_map_for_stereo(data::base_place_recognition* vpr, data::frame& curr_frm) {
    assert(state_ == initializer_state_t::Initializing);

    // create an initial keyframe
    auto curr_keyfrm = data::keyframe::make_keyframe(map_db_->next_keyframe_id_++, curr_frm);

    // curr_keyfrm don't have img now.

After that, the following assignment execute: keyfrm->img = curr_img_.clone(); but it seems a litte late.

Other parts that go through keyframe_inserter::insert_new_keyframe receive the correct img assignment.

EndlessPeak commented 4 months ago

I've already solved it. Thanks for sharing the code. It helps me a lot.