helloworld1 / AnyMemo

Advanced Spaced Repetition flashcard learning software for Android.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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BZ 274: Display the cards one have learned in a day #38

Open helloworld1 opened 9 years ago

helloworld1 commented 9 years ago

Original issue 29 created by helloworld1 on 2012-03-18T18:18:29.000Z:

Display in Study Mode has the following:

New: #, Rev: #, ID: #:

However, one complaint on Flashcard Apps for the Droid page (http://www.droidforums.net/forum/droid-applications/5536-review-flashcard-apps-droid.html) was the lack of a clear learning objective, that boredom ensued because the program doesn't suggest that the user has studied enough in a given session.

There's no reason to intervene on the learning, itself, but it could help to offer a sort of "Objective Met" (or something similar) on the bar.

Possible improvement:

Options > Learning Objective

"Notify me when I have correctly answered x cards in Study Mode."

x = cards answered correctly in a single session

Create a small popup in the "New: #, Rev: #, ID: #:" toolbar during the study session when answered cards > x. "Goal Reached" or something similar would be perfect.

The alert shouldn't stop the session, just tell people that they've met their learning quota for that session.

A good example of this kind of improvement is in the FlashcardDB.com Study Mode.

helloworld1 commented 9 years ago

Comment #1 originally posted by helloworld1 on 2012-03-18T18:18:33.000Z:


helloworld1 commented 9 years ago

Comment #2 originally posted by helloworld1 on 2012-03-18T18:22:33.000Z:


helloworld1 commented 9 years ago

Comment #3 originally posted by helloworld1 on 2013-06-23T15:34:14.000Z:

Yes, the popup "Goal Reached" would provide some encouragement. Another possibility is editing the Study mode line "New: #, Rev: #, ID: #", adding another bit of information, such as "studied today". Then different users could set their own session goals, and see how many card they have studied. The new line might look like this:

New: #, Rev: #, ID: #, Today: #

Or perhaps "ID" should remain last in the list, since it applies only to the currently visible card, not the whole deck. So:

Today: #, New: #, Rev: #, ID: #

helloworld1 commented 9 years ago

Comment #4 originally posted by helloworld1 on 2013-06-25T03:31:43.000Z:

I like the idea for displaying the information in the info bar. Personally I don't like the popup or nag people they have reached goal. I don't want to prevent people leanring more. But I just provide information for the user to control their learning speed. Also I can even display the negative number if they exceed the goal.

One quesiont is that should the goal static or dynamic. I.e : Static: You set 100 cards /day. Then it is always 100/day. Dynamic: There are 1000 new cards. If you can to learn in 10 days, the goal is 100/day. But If on day 2 you learned 550 cards, the day 3's goal is 50 / day.

helloworld1 commented 9 years ago

Comment #5 originally posted by helloworld1 on 2013-06-26T20:16:08.000Z:

I do like the idea of adding the information to the info bar, so those who want to use it can, those who don't aren't being nagged. But I have no strong preference whether it is a count-up or a count-down counter.

A count-up counter could be used be everyone, just keeping in mind the individual goal.

A count-down counter, if used, should allow the user to adjust the (static) goal. I don't see the need for a dynamic goal. If I fail to reach the goal one day, I'll try to do more the next. If I know I made greatly passed the goal today, I may not try quite so hard to reach it tomorrow.