helm / chart-releaser-action

A GitHub Action to turn a GitHub project into a self-hosted Helm chart repo, using helm/chart-releaser CLI tool
Apache License 2.0
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Is there any way to customize pages-index-path and index-path? #183

Open powerfooI opened 3 months ago

powerfooI commented 3 months ago

Version: chart-releaser-action@1.6.0

Chart releaser has two arguments pages-index-path and index-path while it seems that they are not supported by chart-releaser-action. Is there any way to read and update index information from other path instead of default ./index.yaml?

My situation is that I use a document framework to generate static site to gh-pages, which would overwrite the whole branch including the index.yaml. So I need to update and put the index.yaml at the site's static/ folder on other branch.

$ cr index --help
Update a Helm chart repository index.yaml file based on a the
given GitHub repository's releases.

  cr index [flags]

  -i, --index-path string              Path to index file (default ".cr-index/index.yaml")
  -o, --owner string                   GitHub username or organization
  -p, --package-path string            Path to directory with chart packages (default ".cr-release-packages")
      --pages-branch string            The GitHub pages branch (default "gh-pages")
      --pages-index-path string        The GitHub pages index path (default "index.yaml")
Global Flags:
      --config string   Config file (default is $HOME/.cr.yaml)
$ cr version

GitVersion:  v1.6.1
GitCommit:   0102fa30dd78df0d0f8093c4607e6080972ff82d
BuildDate:   2023-10-31T07:28:18Z
GoVersion:   go1.20.10
Compiler:    gc
Platform:    darwin/arm64
License:     Apache 2.0
masayag commented 3 months ago

Another motivation for this is when relying on the GitHub pages feature, there is an option to select /root or /docs as a source for the GitHub pages. While things work smoothly for /root, creating a working repository with /docs fails.

masayag commented 3 months ago

Thank you @powerfooI. I missed the reference to your PR and published the same fix. I wish to see this one getting merged.