helm / chart-releaser-action

A GitHub Action to turn a GitHub project into a self-hosted Helm chart repo, using helm/chart-releaser CLI tool
Apache License 2.0
539 stars 199 forks source link

Release created, index.yaml not updated. #193

Open jlpedrosa opened 2 months ago

jlpedrosa commented 2 months ago


I had to release a hot-fix for the a given chart. As a hotfix, I created the tag with the + syntax: 2.11.2+Chart1

The action shows that detected the change, generated a new release, but there's no update to the index.yaml file

Looking up latest tag...
Discovering changed charts since '2.11.2'...
Installing chart-releaser on /opt/hostedtoolcache/cr/v1.6.1/x86_64...
Adding cr directory to PATH...
Packaging chart 'charts/unpoller'...
Successfully packaged chart in /home/runner/work/helm-chart/helm-chart/charts/unpoller and saved it to: .cr-release-packages/unpoller-2.11.2+Chart1.tgz
Releasing charts...
Updating charts repo index...
Loading index file from git repository .cr-index/index.yaml
Preparing worktree (detached HEAD b[70](https://github.com/unpoller/helm-chart/actions/runs/8984331936/job/24675948604#step:5:72)a2fc)
HEAD is now at b70a2fc Update index.yaml
Found unpoller-2.11.2+Chart1.tgz
Index .cr-index/index.yaml did not change

The package generated seems absolutely correct.

cc: @platinummonkey