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[stable/janusgraph] Error deploying janusgraph on Kubernetes #22877

Closed d3bt3ch closed 4 years ago

d3bt3ch commented 4 years ago

Getting the following error trying to deploy janusgraph on kubernetes

Error: unable to build kubernetes objects from release manifest: unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "Deployment" in version "apps/v1beta2"

Here is the values used

# Default values for JanusGraph chart.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.

  repository: docker.io/janusgraph/janusgraph
  tag: 0.5.2
  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent

## The default configuration provided here uses attached storage for db and indexing
## For a distributed deployment, increase the number of replicas and choose
## a distributed backend for storage and indexing below (i.e. hbase and elasticsearch)
replicaCount: 2

## set any pod specific resource requests here
resources: {}

extraEnvs: {}

  type: ClusterIP  # Change to LoadBalancer if you plan to access JanusGraph outside k8s cluster
  port: 8182
    # the following line is ignored unless unless using a LoadBalancer with GCP
    # cloud.google.com/load-balancer-type: "Internal"

## This chart can deploy the Elasticsearch as a dependency.
## Use this section to provide elasticsearch chart specific values
  deploy: false  # change to true if you want to deploy Elasticsearch as a requirement along with this chart
    create: true  # required for kubernetes >1.7

  ## use this section to add or adjust JanusGraph properties as needed
  ## all uncommented values in this section will be placed in the janusgraph.properties file

  ## see http://docs.janusgraph.org/0.2.0/storage-backends.html, choose the desired storage backend
  ## (i.e. berkeleyje, cassandra, cassandrathrift, cql, embeddedcassandra, hbase, inmemory )
  ## for Cloud Bigtable choose hbase
  storage.backend: cql
  storage.hostname: [
  storage.port: 9042

  storage.cql.keyspace: *********

  ## Google Cloud Bigtable specific configuration
  ## To use Cloud Bigtable, uncomment the following three lines and replace values
  # storage.hbase.ext.google.bigtable.instance.id: <your-cbt-instance> # replace with your Cloud Bigtable Instance ID
  # storage.hbase.ext.google.bigtable.project.id: <your-cbt-project> # replace with your Cloud Bigtable Project ID
  # storage.hbase.ext.hbase.client.connection.impl: com.google.cloud.bigtable.hbase1_x.BigtableConnection # required for using Cloud Bigtable

  ## Indexing/Search backend configuration (see http://docs.janusgraph.org/latest/index-backends.html)
  index.search.backend: elasticsearch
  index.search.hostname: ************
  ## choose the index backend you want to use: elasticsearch, es, solr or lucene (default "lucene")
  ## if you plan to use elasticsearch, change to "index.search.backend=elasticsearch"

  ## Elasticsearch configuration (see http://docs.janusgraph.org/latest/elasticsearch.html)
  ## This property is only relevant if you are using Elasticsearch as your index backend.
  # index.search.hostname: <your-es-hostname>
  ## Only set this if you plan to use an elasticsearch deployment created outside of this chart,
  ## If you plan to deploy Elasticsearch as a requirement with this helm chart,
  ## then leave this commented out or empty, it will be filled in automatically

  ## other common properties
  # cache.db-cache: true
  # cache.db-cache-clean-wait: 20
  # cache.db-cache-time: 180000
  # cache.db-cache-size: 0.5

## when using local storage and indexing, choose whether to persist day
  enabled: false  # set to false if you are testing and do not want to persist data
  path: /db
  accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
  size: 4Gi  # adjust size as needed depending on the size of local storage and indexing required
  existingClaim:  # to reattach to previously used storage, provide an existing claim (or use --set)

## To make adjustments to janusgraph.properties and gremlin-server.yaml, provide a
## custom ConfigMap in your k8s cluster (using the helm created ConfigMap as a base).
configMapOverrideName: ""
ailox commented 4 years ago

For kubernetes versions later than 1.15 the api has changed from "apps/v1beta2" to simply "apps/v1", you will need to change the helm charts themselves accordingly.

ailox commented 4 years ago

I created a pull request. I do not expect it to get merged, but it will serve as a reference to anyone running into the same issue.