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add helm/helm and other helm subproject maintainers to maintainers.cncf.io #235

Open joejulian opened 2 years ago

joejulian commented 2 years ago

I've been going through the oldest issues looking to see why they're not resolved. Some of them could be resolved by open PRs that could have been but were not merged for quite some time. It seems like we need more maintainers.

One value individuals and companies get from maintaining upstream projects (besides the obvious stable code and feedback to ensure their business needs are met) is community recognition. This recognition provides value to the contributor and their employer and just feels good. Part of that is being recognized as a maintainer by the CNCF, and being able to take part in discussions on the cncf-helm-maintainers list.

Currently, only the nine Helm Org maintainers are listed as Helm maintainers on the official CNCF spreadsheet.

Some of our team is also involved in the Flux project. We have seen where Weaveworks has implemented a strategy where they collect all the names in all the MAINTAINERS files from all the repos for submission to the CNCF. If we did something similar, I think we could get more maintainers, shorten the PR backlog, and that would lead to more contributors and a healthier community.

scottrigby commented 2 years ago

Hey @joejulian 👋 Thank you!

I was involved in this decision for the Flux combined maintainers list. You're right this was part of the motivation for that too. It's also good to show CNCF the reality of who is working to maintain each project as the project evolves. Even a graduated and very stable project like Helm recognizes it needs new maintainers for the health of the project. I agree a good step toward that is making sure to recognize existing maintainers. I know we're all grateful for people like you for example, who are triage maintainers – this is so important. Helping these people, and their companies, get recognized by CNCF for this work is not only good to retain and attract new maintainers, I think it's the right thing to do. But that is only my opinion, let's see what the rest of the org maintainers think.

In the meantime, here are the scripts used to create the Flux combined maintainers list. Practically speaking, creating this was necessary because the CSV that https://maintainers.cncf.io redirects to is designed to reference only one OWNERS/MAINTAINERS file. The Flux project automation is set up to help make sure this combined file doesn't get out of sync with the owner files in each repo. The syntax of the source MAINTAINERS files in Flux is a bit different than the Helm OWNERS files, but that should be pretty easy to update.

bacongobbler commented 2 years ago

IIRC the list maintained at https://maintainers.cncf.io is used more as the CNCF’s contact list to communicate changes at the foundation level to the Org Maintainers. Stuff like changes to the CNCF’s Code of Conduct, project licensing, partnerships with certain CI vendors for CNCF projects etc. I don’t believe it was designed to recognize each and every contributor to each and every CNCF project.

For example, the last update to Helm’s contact list happened when Karen was voted in a few days ago: https://github.com/cncf/foundation/pull/274

I agree this would be a good idea, however I’d suggest reaching out to the CNCF directly and see what they think.

bacongobbler commented 2 years ago

To be clear, I think recognition of services to any Helm project is a great idea. I would be in favour of maintaining some form of membership list. But I think https://maintainers.cncf.up is meant for a different purpose.