helm / helm-2to3

⚠️(OBSOLETE) This is a Helm v3 plugin which migrates and cleans up Helm v2 configuration and releases in-place to Helm v3
Apache License 2.0
493 stars 80 forks source link

Asset for Darwin_arm64 missed in v0.10.0 #205

Closed westwind-sc closed 2 years ago

westwind-sc commented 2 years ago

Asset for Darwin_arm64 existed in v0.8.2 and v0.9.0, but missed in v0.10.0

As helm plugin install https://github.com/helm/helm-2to3 is using the latest version, the missing will cause install failure. Could you help to publish the asset for Darwin_arm64 missed in v0.10.0?

Note: This is not a blocking issue, as developer could build the plugin locally.

rimusz commented 2 years ago

fixed in v0.10.1