helm / hub

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Install panel "copy" doesn't work with Helm 3 and it picks "beta" chart. #446

Closed datamattsson closed 4 years ago

datamattsson commented 4 years ago

It seems that the "copy" symbol from the "Install" panel doesn't generate a command that works with Helm 3, is there Helm 3 specific hub we need to use for Helm 3?

Here's an example from a chart I frequent.

# This is the generated CLI from the Install panel:
$ helm install hpe-storage/hpe-csi-driver --version 1.3.0-beta
Error: must either provide a name or specify --generate-name
$ helm version
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.3.0", GitCommit:"8a4aeec08d67a7b84472007529e8097ec3742105", GitTreeState:"dirty", GoVersion:"go1.14.6"}

The other thing is that the copied command contains the latest chart, even if it's labelled beta. If you would omit version, in my particular case, the previous stable version would be installed.

$ helm install hpe-csi -n hpe-csi hpe/hpe-csi-driver
NAME: hpe-csi
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Aug 25 13:06:23 2020
NAMESPACE: hpe-csi
STATUS: deployed
$ helm list -n hpe-csi
NAME    NAMESPACE   REVISION    UPDATED                                 STATUS      CHART                   APP VERSION
hpe-csi hpe-csi     1           2020-08-25 13:06:23.027499 -0700 PDT    deployed    hpe-csi-driver-1.2.1    1.2.0
mattfarina commented 4 years ago

The version pick was a bug that was fixed in upstream Helm.

Since the Helm Hub is now redirected to the Artifact Hub I'm going to close this issue.