Closed somedayiamold closed 6 years ago
seeing same error, it's weird, sometimes api won't kickoff downloading charts at all, and then it gives this error which makes sense, but sometimes it downloads everything but still complain this error.
I believe this was fixed in #452, I just kicked off the v0.7.1 release which includes that fix. Once that's available, please give it a try and let me know if this fixes the issue.
ok, I will have a try once the fix is released.
still same thing. 2018/05/31 15:07:01 data.Charts AllFromRepo(stable) error (no charts found for repo stable ) [negroni] 2018-05-31T15:07:04Z | 200 | 726.981µs | | GET /v1/repos [negroni] 2018-05-31T15:07:04Z | 404 | 363.24µs | | GET /auth/verify [negroni] 2018-05-31T15:07:04Z | 200 | 1.339554ms | | GET /v1/repos [negroni] 2018-05-31T15:07:04Z | 200 | 664.444µs | | GET /v1/repos [negroni] 2018-05-31T15:07:05Z | 404 | 80.322µs | | GET /auth/verify 2018/05/31 15:07:05 data.Charts AllFromRepo(stable) error (no charts found for repo stable ) [negroni] 2018-05-31T15:07:05Z | 404 | 811.863µs | | GET /v1/charts/stable [negroni] 2018-05-31T15:07:05Z | 404 | 77.244µs | | GET /auth/verify 2018/05/31 15:07:05 data.Charts AllFromRepo(stable) error (no charts found for repo stable ) [negroni] 2018-05-31T15:07:05Z | 404 | 219.409µs | | GET /v1/charts/stable [negroni] 2018-05-31T15:07:06Z | 200 | 1.061847ms | | GET /v1/repos [negroni] 2018-05-31T15:07:06Z | 404 | 88.524µs | | GET /auth/verify 2018/05/31 15:07:06 data.Charts AllFromRepo(stable) error (no charts found for repo stable )
query for charts returns 200 though, but not listing anything on GUI [negroni] 2018-05-31T15:05:35Z | 200 | 6.141344ms | | GET /v1/charts
stable folder contents /cache/repo-data/stable# ls acs-engine-autoscaler/ coscale/ gcloud-sqlproxy/ kapacitor/ mcrouter/ nginx-ldapauth-proxy/ presto/ rocketchat/ sumokube/ aerospike/ dask/ gcp-night-king/ keel/ mediawiki/ oauth2-proxy/ prometheus/ sapho/ sumologic-fluentd/ anchore-engine/ datadog/ ghost/ kibana/ memcached/ odoo/ prometheus-cloudwatch-exporter/ schema-registry-ui/ superset/ artifactory/ dex/ gocd/ kong/ metabase/ opencart/ prometheus-mysql-exporter/ selenium/ sysdig/ artifactory-ha/ dmarc2logstash/ grafana/ kube2iam/ metallb/ openebs/ prometheus-node-exporter/ sematext-docker-agent/ tensorflow-notebook/ bitcoind/ docker-registry/ hackmd/ kube-ops-view/ minecraft/ openvpn/ prometheus-postgres-exporter/ sensu/ tensorflow-serving/ buildkite/ dokuwiki/ hadoop/ kubernetes-dashboard/ minio/ orangehrm/ prometheus-pushgateway/ sentry/ testlink/ burrow/ drupal/ heapster/ kube-slack/ mongodb/ osclass/ prometheus-rabbitmq-exporter/ seq/ traefik/ centrifugo/ elastabot/ horovod/ kube-state-metrics/ mongodb-replicaset/ owncloud/ prometheus-redis-exporter/ signalfx-agent/ uchiwa/ cert-manager/ elastalert/ inbucket/ kubewatch/ moodle/ pachyderm/ prometheus-to-sd/ sonarqube/ unbound/ chaoskube/ elasticsearch-exporter/ influxdb/ lamp/ msoms/ parse/ quassel/ sonatype-nexus/ verdaccio/ chartmuseum/ etcd-operator/ ipfs/ linkerd/ mssql-linux/ percona/ rabbitmq/ spark/ weave-cloud/ chronograf/ ethereum/ janusgraph/ locust/ mysql/ percona-xtradb-cluster/ rabbitmq-ha/ spartakus/ weave-scope/ cluster-autoscaler/ external-dns/ jasperreports/ luigi/ namerd/ phabricator/ redis/ spinnaker/ wordpress/ cockroachdb/ factorio/ jenkins/ magento/ neo4j/ phpbb/ redis-ha/ spotify-docker-gc/ zeppelin/ concourse/ filebeat/ joomla/ magic-namespace/ newrelic-infrastructure/ phpmyadmin/ redmine/ stackdriver-exporter/ zetcd/ consul/ fluent-bit/ k8s-spot-rescheduler/ mailhog/ nfs-server-provisioner/ postgresql/ rethinkdb/ stolon/ coredns/ gcloud-endpoints/ kanister-operator/ mariadb/ nginx-ingress/ prestashop/ risk-advisor/ suitecrm/
@prydonius seems 0.7.1 does not fix the issue either, it just returns {"data": null} by /v1/charts
Does the previous version of Monocular work fine? helm install monocular/monocular --version 0.5.2
@prydonius helm install monocular/monocular --version 0.6.2 works fine
@samifruit514 any ideas, wondering if this might be related to some of your recent changes?
Our monocular (version 0.7.2) isn't downloading any chart at all. The api logs display the following error:
level=info msg="Using cache directory" path="/monocular/repo-data"
level=info msg="periodic job ran and returned error (error unmarshaling JSON: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type map[string]interface {})"
helm install monocular/monocular --version 0.6.2 works fine
How? To my knowledge, the last version of the chart is 0.6.1.
EDIT: Oh, found the culprit for me, the documentation in the README#Configuring chart repositories is incorrect, the "stable" repo url says:
, but should be:
@vvangestel ah, oops! Thanks for spotting that, just created #468 to fix this.
No charts found from monocular after upgrading to 0.7.0, and it worked on 0.6.2 The log is found below: 2018/05/28 09:47:45 data.Charts AllFromRepo(stable) error (no charts found for repo stable ) [negroni] 2018-05-28T09:47:45Z | 404 | 201.758µs | | GET /v1/charts/stable [negroni] 2018-05-28T09:47:45Z | 200 | 1.343836ms | | GET /v1/repos [negroni] 2018-05-28T09:47:45Z | 404 | 65.056µs | | GET /auth/verify
but some charts can be found in monocular-api container: