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Improve updater setup #57

Open clearlysid opened 2 months ago

clearlysid commented 2 months ago

Hmm, wondering why not just do a simple

 "check_updates" => {
                    let w = app.get_window("main").unwrap();
                    w.trigger_global("tauri://update", None);

and let Tauri handle the rest? @clearlysid

_Originally posted by @rajatkulkarni95 in https://github.com/helmerapp/micro/pull/42#discussion_r1582228581_

rajatkulkarni95 commented 2 months ago

You can also trigger this with the same tauri://update string on the FE, and do it with a setInterval if you want periodic checks instead of just on startup or explicit click.

I do all 3 for Octarine, with periodic being every few hours. Since I'm assuming Helmer would likely be an always open app, so waiting on the user to click update might be less fruitful if you push multiple updates in a week!