helmfile / chartify

Convert K8s manifests/Kustomization into Helm Chart
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Allow using kubectl built-in kustomize if separate kustomize binary is missing #63

Open reegnz opened 11 months ago

reegnz commented 11 months ago

You can run kustomize commands with kubectl like this:

kubectl kustomize ...

Either fall back automatically to the kubectl built-in kustomize, or allow the user to select it.

reegnz commented 11 months ago

The feature to add a custom binary recently got added(#62), maybe it can be used to solve this problem.

reegnz commented 11 months ago

As far as I can tell I could just feed kubectl kustomize as the kustomizeBinary, and it should work, the runner implementation handles args passed in kustomizeBinary by splitting and treating args correctly: https://github.com/helmfile/chartify/blob/a67147abb126ef064864cb2cd067b8f859290bde/runner.go#L128-L138

I'm using chartify through helmfile, so I'll wait until this feature lands in helmfile to verify.

reegnz commented 4 months ago

Managed to get around testing this.

So problem is that when I pass kustomizeBinary: kubectl kustomize to helmfile, I get this:

 kubectl build /var/folders/qn/hzhf777s1vx9lr4xc8zj1f_h0000gn/T/chartify3414166477/actions/actions-runner-controller --output /var/folders/qn/hzhf777s1vx9lr4xc8zj1f_h0000gn/T/chartify3414166477/actions/actions-runner-controller/all.patched.yaml --enable_alpha_plugins

  error: unknown command "build" for "kubectl"]

I did manage to write a kustomize-shim script to make kubectl kustomize work with helmfile:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [ "$1" == "version" ]; then
  kubectl version --client --short 2>/dev/null | awk '/Kustomize/{print $NF}'
elif [ "$1" == "build" ]; then
  exec kubectl kustomize $@
  echo "Could not shim kustomize: $@" >&2
  exit 99

Then in helmfile.yaml:

kustomizeBinary: kustomize-shim
reegnz commented 4 months ago

Turns out the above shim doesn't always work because chartify also runs kustomize edit in some cases, but kubectl kustomize does not support edit...