helpdesk-z / helpdeskz-dev

HelpDeskZ is a free PHP based software which allows you to manage your site's support with a web-based support ticket system.
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Missing the install folder #2

Closed mmarconm closed 3 years ago

mmarconm commented 3 years ago

I think that the install folder its missing, as a try to install running http://server/support/install and i got a 404 page.

helpdesk-z commented 3 years ago

Verify that .htaccess has been uploaded in your server and mod_rewrite is enable.

mmarconm commented 3 years ago

Do i need to install composer and install dependencies ?

mmarconm commented 3 years ago

Verify that .htaccess has been uploaded in your server and mod_rewrite is enable. -> Yes, .htaccess was uploaded and mod_rewrite its enable, and when a try to install http://ip_address/support/install i got Not Found

helpdesk-z commented 3 years ago

The script includes the dependencies, so it's not necessary to install anything else. If you get error 404 then the routing is not working, when you visit http://ip_address/support/ do you get any error?

mmarconm commented 3 years ago

The script includes the dependencies, so it's not necessary to install anything else. If you get error 404 then the routing is not working, when you visit http://ip_address/support/ do you get any error?

I got just a page 404, i enable mode_rewrite as you said but the problem continue. follow the link with some prints screen print screen link: explorer_yBcRASZMAU

helpdesk-z commented 3 years ago

If you get that error, it means the rewrite rule is not working Are you using apache right? Because if you are under nginx, then the rewrite rule wont work with the htaccess.

If you are under apache, edit the htaccess and use this code:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]

If it does not work, then the mod rewrite is not active/working PS: If you have activated the mod rewrite, do not forget to restart your apache server

mmarconm commented 3 years ago

Hello, Yes i enable rewrite and restarted the apache2 service. i will follow the steps above and try again. Thank you

Observation: I was wondering that in an older project of helpdeskz , there is a folder install on the root folder. and in this project there is not install folder anymore.

If works. do you authorize me to make a video, installing Helpdeskz to help others ?

I would like to help on this project, but unfortunately do not now Php, just python ":(

helpdesk-z commented 3 years ago

Sure, you can make videos about installation.

So I can close this issue, right?

mmarconm commented 3 years ago

I will do a new install of debian 10, and reinstall again. this .htaccess that you mentioned above to edit the config .... is it the support/.htaccess?

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]

mmarconm commented 3 years ago

I edit apache2 files and php.ini, change the folder permission and change the productionp.php init_set 0 to 1. and it works

Sphincz commented 3 years ago

I'm still having this issue. Install location gives a 404 error. Fresh install of HDZ 2.0.2. Help would much appreciated. Thank you,

helpdesk-z commented 3 years ago

Go to your site and visit this If it works, then your mod rewrite is not configured

balyam commented 3 years ago

After "/install" running I've got blank page with text "index.php". I spent few hours to find what was wrong with my installation. Please, check that mod_rewrite is enabled or just run "sudo a2enmod rewrite" :(

DragonflyMAD commented 3 years ago

U need to change AllowOverride None to All:

<Directory /var/www/> AllowOverride All

in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

swealpha commented 2 years ago

how to do if you are under litespeed? :(