helpers / handlebars-helpers

188 handlebars helpers in ~20 categories. Can be used with Assemble, Ghost, YUI, express.js etc.
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isLast in nested forEach #404

Open hafnerpw opened 2 years ago

hafnerpw commented 2 years ago

Hi, I can't make {{#unless isLast}} work inside a nested foreach. Here is what I'm trying:

{ "release": "{{}}", "release_number": "{{}}", "date": "{{releaseDetails.modifiedOn}}", "workItems": [ {{#forEach this.workItems}} { "id": "{{}}", "title": "{{lookup this.fields 'System.Title'}}", "type": "{{lookup this.fields 'System.WorkItemType'}}", "tags": "{{lookup this.fields 'System.Tags'}}", "pullRequests": [ {{#forEach this.relations}} {{#if (contains 'Pull Request')}} {{#with (lookup_a_pullrequest ../../pullRequests this.url)}} { "id": "{{this.pullRequestId}}", "title": "{{this.title}}", "description": {{{json (lookup this 'description')}}}, "closedDate": "{{this.closedDate}}", "labels" : {{{json this.labels}}} }{{#unless ../../isLast}}, {{/unless}} {{/with}} {{/if}} {{/forEach}} ] }{{#unless isLast}}, {{/unless}} {{/forEach}} ] }

Ii believe it is only checking the outter forEach because the last WorkItem also does not have a comma. Am I doing something wrong ?