helpers / handlebars-helpers

188 handlebars helpers in ~20 categories. Can be used with Assemble, Ghost, YUI, express.js etc.
MIT License
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Fumanchu - A supported Handlebar + Handlebars-Helpers together! #419

Open jaredwray opened 11 months ago

jaredwray commented 11 months ago

Hi all. I wanted to post here that I know people are busy and sometimes not able to maintain these packages. After waiting a while to see if this project would be handed off or maintained again I created @jaredwray/fumanchu. This combines Handlebars + Handlebars-Helpers together into a single package.

Just npm i @jaredwray/fumanchu --save

Then use it in your code like so:

var handlebars = require('@jaredwray/fumanchu');
var template = handlebars.compile('{{#if (eq foo "bar")}}<p>Foo is bar</p>{{/if}}');
var html = template({foo: 'bar'});


Check it out here:

sergehuber commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the project but I need the helpers separate, is there a way to achieve that ?

jaredwray commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the project but I need the helpers separate, is there a way to achieve that ?

Hello. I just set the export to make this happen. Here you go

hkjeffchan commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the library. Why is this called fumanchu?

jaredwray commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the library. Why is this called fumanchu?

Just like handlebars is a mustache style so is fumanchu: