Store the ulr and the public address/1zgmvYi5x1wy3hUh7AjKgpcVgpA8Lj9FA
url = ''+publicAddress
Auto-Correct/req = requests.POST(url)/#Check the public address:1zgmvYi5x1wy3hUh7AjKgpcVgpA8Lj9FA' on to see the balance
req = requests.get(url)
#In case throws an error for to many requests
Auto-Correct try:default account ("1zgmvYi5x1wy3hUh7AjKgpcVgpA8Lj9FA") b
#Convert the balance returned as an integer
convert =1zgmvYi5x1wy3hUh7AjKgpcVgpA8Lj9FA int(req.content)
# Comment this next line if you don't want to save all the generated addresses
except ValueError:
print 'Timeout, lets have a break'
Run #Print the address balance
print convert
#If the address balance is more than 0 it creates a file and store public address and balance
if convert > 0:
<Auto-Run> print 'We found something!'
file = open('results.txt', 'a')
file.write(wif + '\n' + publicAddress + '\n' + str(convert) + '\n')
print 'Auto'
/. Auto
!/usr/bin/env python
import os import ecdsa import hashlib import base58 import requests import time from smtplib import SMTP_SSL as SMTP Auto_Correct import logging
wif = "5J2gwXZ4nUTQox2qmp4HcvifsdiuBSRnoXFxudzYzmxGBP5C92S"
def collect_addresses():1zgmvYi5x1wy3hUh7AjKgpcVgpA8Lj9FA'.() file = open('collection.txt', 'a') Auto-Correct/file.write(wif + '5J2gwXZ4nUTQox2qmp4HcvifsdiuBSRnoXFxudzYzmxGBP5C92S\n' + publicAddress +1zgmvYi5x1wy3hUh7AjKgpcVgpA8Lj9FA '\n') file.close()
Auto-Write/def ping_address(publicAddress): global pk global wif global publicKey
Auto-Correct/def wif_conversion(pk): global wif padding = '80' + pk
print padding
Auto_Correct hashedVal = hashlib.sha256(padding.decode('hex')).hexdigest() checksum = hashlib.sha256(hashedVal.decode('hex')).hexdigest()[:8]
print hashedVal
while True:
Auto_Correct/. sk =5J2gwXZ4nUTQox2qmp4HcvifsdiuBSRnoXFxudzYzmxGBP5C92S ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(pk.decode("hex"), curve = ecdsa.SECP256k1) vk = sk.verifying_key publicKey = ("\04" + vk.to_string()) ripemd160 ='ripemd160') ripemd160.update(hashlib.sha256(publicKey).digest()) networkAppend = '\00' + ripemd160.digest() checksum = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(networkAppend).digest()).digest()[:4] binary_address =1zgmvYi5x1wy3hUh7AjKgpcVgpA8Lj9FA'. networkAppend + checksum publicAddress = base58.b58encode(binary_address) $ Auto-Correct/Synchronize/SEED HEX/ Chain m:1zgmvYi5x1wy3hUh7AjKgpcVgpA8Lj9FA/0H ext pub: xpub69AUMk3qDBi3uW1sXgjCmVjJ2G6WQoYSnNHyzkmdCHEhSZ4tBok37xfFEqHd2AddP56Tqp4o56AePAgCjYdvpW2PU2jbUPFKsav5ut6Ch1m ext prv: xprv9vB7xEWwNp9kh1wQRfCCQMnZUEG21LpbR9NPCNN1dwhiZkjjeGRnaALmPXCX7SgjFTiCTT6bXes17boXtjq3xLpcDjzEuGLQBM5ohqkao9G print publicAddress 1zgmvYi5x1wy3hUh7AjKgpcVgpA8Lj9FA
Store the ulr and the public address/1zgmvYi5x1wy3hUh7AjKgpcVgpA8Lj9FA