This update add a status indicator on the IconButton component. Some new UI work requires this button to have a red dot on demand. It was easier to implement within the core component vs doing it as a new component in our hs-app-ui stack. The status indicator was build mainly for the outlined button, but it is supported for all variants.
Size small
We also took the time in this update to cleanup the IconButton tests. Doesn't mean the tests list is a complete one (we still need to address that).
Write to your heart's content, include:
[ ] A link to the Figma design in your story (list regularly updated here)
[ ] A link to the Story(ies) in the description
[ ] Is there a Jira ticket associated?
[ ] If useful, add screenshots or videos
[ ] If useful (and unclear), add a little explanation of why a certain path was taken
[ ] Instructions on how to test
[ ] Found any restrictions/limitations? Let us know!
Make sure the pull request:
[ ] Follows the established folder/file structure
[ ] Adds unit tests
[ ] If it is a refactor or change to an existing component, have you verified it won't break existing Cypress tests or have you updated them?
[ ] Did you verify some accessibility (a11y) basics?
This update add a status indicator on the
component. Some new UI work requires this button to have a red dot on demand. It was easier to implement within the core component vs doing it as a new component in our hs-app-ui stack. The status indicator was build mainly for the outlined button, but it is supported for all variants.Outlined
Size small
We also took the time in this update to cleanup the IconButton tests. Doesn't mean the tests list is a complete one (we still need to address that).
Write to your heart's content, include:
Make sure the pull request:
) Guidelines