helpshift / ekaf

A minimal, high-performance Kafka client in Erlang.
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Async produce Message accumulation #54

Open turtleDeng opened 6 years ago

turtleDeng commented 6 years ago

30k/s msg async write kafka

(emqx@> erlang:process_info(pid(0, 1767, 0)).
              {rand_seed,{#{bits => 58,jump => #Fun<rand.8.77346176>,
                            next => #Fun<rand.5.77346176>,type => exrop,
                            uniform => #Fun<rand.6.77346176>,
                            uniform_n => #Fun<rand.7.77346176>,weak_low_bits => 1},
 {garbage_collection,[{max_heap_size,#{error_logger => true,kill => true,size => 0}},
turtleDeng commented 6 years ago

50K/s msg produce async batched write kafka

erlang:process_info(pid(0, 1737, 0)).
              {rand_seed,{#{bits => 58,jump => #Fun<rand.8.77346176>,
                            next => #Fun<rand.5.77346176>,type => exrop,
                            uniform => #Fun<rand.6.77346176>,
                            uniform_n => #Fun<rand.7.77346176>,weak_low_bits => 1},
 {garbage_collection,[{max_heap_size,#{error_logger => true,kill => true,size => 0}},
bosky101 commented 6 years ago

Can you share your ekaf config

turtleDeng commented 6 years ago
        {ekaf_bootstrap_brokers, [{"localhost", 9092}] },
        {ekaf_bootstrap_topics, [ <<"topic">> ]},
        {ekaf_max_buffer_size, [{<<"topic">>,64},{ekaf_max_buffer_size,64}]},
        {ekaf_partition_strategy, random},
        {ekaf_callback_flush, {xxx,xxx}}
turtleDeng commented 6 years ago

produce async batched, more than 30k/s, it will create a lot of processes, memory exhausted

bosky101 commented 6 years ago

I recommend playing around with the buffer size, partition workers, to see what config works best