A couple of Rawdata files for filegroup BEF_GKny contain a string value for ALDER. In the error log, another code, a numeric code, is listed.
Example: Rawdata file "F:\Forskningsprosjekter\PDB 2455 - Helseprofiler og til_\PRODUKSJON\ORGDATA\SSB\BEFOLKNING\RAADATA\2022\g1ekstra\g1bekstra1993.csv" contains two rows with the code "00J" for variable "alderu" (which is ALDER).
When running 'make_file()' the error is reported:
Check column ALDER! NAs introduced by coercion!! Check codes with: read_log("ALDERxx")
But the error log does not list the erroneous code:
A couple of Rawdata files for filegroup BEF_GKny contain a string value for ALDER. In the error log, another code, a numeric code, is listed.
Example: Rawdata file "F:\Forskningsprosjekter\PDB 2455 - Helseprofiler og til_\PRODUKSJON\ORGDATA\SSB\BEFOLKNING\RAADATA\2022\g1ekstra\g1bekstra1993.csv" contains two rows with the code "00J" for variable "alderu" (which is ALDER).
When running 'make_file()' the error is reported: Check column ALDER! NAs introduced by coercion!! Check codes with:
But the error log does not list the erroneous code:
The ALDER variable in this file is by single years of age, so a value of "34" is perfectly valid.