Because we didn't lay out specific tasks due before our next meeting during our meeting today, I'm going to list them here for convenience:
[x] Contribute to the markup of the documents!!! I'm going to compile a list of the documents we've coded so far and host them on our outline page. We need some more texts to mark up, so if you forget how to search for the right documents, here is the guide I wrote a while back.
[x] Fill out a short biography of ourselves on the about team page of the website. You could include things such as your major, your interests, something you found interesting about the project / your favorite part of the project (so far), and the things you've done to contribute to the project.
[x] Viewing pane for texts or Outline Page: I had an idea to host our documents on a page and have buttons to toggle the names of individuals or places mentioned in the document. We'll be marking them in the documents anyway, so this will be an additional aspect for their use. Check out this Shelley-Godwin Archive example and look at the interface for something similar to what I'm talking about. We won't go as in depth as they did, but I like the idea of presenting an interactive aspect of these documents. We can have the original .pdf image and the text side-by-side. I'm going to look more into this if you both think this is a neat idea (let me know if you have another idea to present our documents, though!)
On a side note: I'm going to be adding graphics to the site so it doesn't look so empty. Also, don't forget to always pull from the repo before you make any changes to the code!
@ajnewton1 @Jamielynn92 Don't forget to write a short bio about yourselves before tomorrow and push it to the server! (You can use the bio I wrote for myself as a template if you're stuck)
Because we didn't lay out specific tasks due before our next meeting during our meeting today, I'm going to list them here for convenience:
[x] Contribute to the markup of the documents!!! I'm going to compile a list of the documents we've coded so far and host them on our outline page. We need some more texts to mark up, so if you forget how to search for the right documents, here is the guide I wrote a while back.
[x] Fill out a short biography of ourselves on the about team page of the website. You could include things such as your major, your interests, something you found interesting about the project / your favorite part of the project (so far), and the things you've done to contribute to the project.
[x] Viewing pane for texts or Outline Page: I had an idea to host our documents on a page and have buttons to toggle the names of individuals or places mentioned in the document. We'll be marking them in the documents anyway, so this will be an additional aspect for their use. Check out this Shelley-Godwin Archive example and look at the interface for something similar to what I'm talking about. We won't go as in depth as they did, but I like the idea of presenting an interactive aspect of these documents. We can have the original .pdf image and the text side-by-side. I'm going to look more into this if you both think this is a neat idea (let me know if you have another idea to present our documents, though!)
On a side note: I'm going to be adding graphics to the site so it doesn't look so empty. Also, don't forget to always pull from the repo before you make any changes to the code!