hemebond / quaddicted

Quaddicted upgrade written with Django
MIT License
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Optional download PAK structure #2

Open hemebond opened 4 years ago

hemebond commented 4 years ago

Brainstorming for PAK structures for a various types of maps.

├── levelshots
│   └── abc.tga
├── maps
│   ├── abc.bsp
│   ├── abc.lit
└── readme.txt
SpiritQuaddicted commented 4 years ago

This won't work for the single fact that Quake pak files are restricted to 8.3 filenames. :|

hemebond commented 4 years ago

Do you have a link about that? I can't find anything that explains PAK restrictions.

Testing it I didn't have any trouble packing or using long-named files, so maybe it's an engine restriction; FTE even showed the levelshot in its list.

SpiritQuaddicted commented 4 years ago

Huh, I was wrong because I edited the Quake Wiki wrong 10 years ago. It's actually 55/56 characters (for the file's whole path inside the PAK): https://quakewiki.org/wiki/PAK_file