hemenkapadia / getbhavcopy

Free NSE and BSE data downloader
112 stars 48 forks source link

Does not download BSE Bhavcopy in Windows 10 #104

Open giteshs999 opened 4 years ago

giteshs999 commented 4 years ago


It does not do anything and just stays at the message downloading Index Data for Sensex.

hemenkapadia commented 4 years ago

@giteshs999, do you still have the issue? Are you able to access BSE using the browser when it seems stuck ?

giteshs999 commented 4 years ago

Yes, issue is still there. I'm able to download the bhavcopy from BSE website. That is what I'm doing for a while. If you see, it seems to be stuck while downloading the index data (sensex).

neilazavedo commented 4 years ago

Hi Hemen, I too face this same issue .. These days download is only available after 12pm uptil about 8.30pm I'm able to download the NSE Data but BSE freezes for me as well... just like the snapshot uploaded here by Gitesh. Thanks ..

neilazavedo commented 4 years ago

Hi Hemen, Please let us know if we have to make some changes to windows 10 settings etc. Thank you.

giteshs999 commented 4 years ago

Now it has stopped downloading NSE data also. It seems to be stuck at the indexes and keeps giving errors.


neilazavedo commented 4 years ago

I downloaded this yesterday.. if this helps .. NSE cash 2019-12-24-NSE-EQ.txt

giteshs999 commented 4 years ago

Yes, it does work. I guess it is timing issue. So need to download between the time you specified in the earlier message - 12pm up til about 8.30pm. But I can directly go to the NSE website anytime and download.

neilazavedo commented 4 years ago

Hi Hemen I am facing the BSE issue in the new version 3.0.1a as well ... NSE is working fine for me. Thank you ...

hemenkapadia commented 4 years ago

I am not sure what is the issue with BSE for you. I just verified that 3.0.1a is downloading data for NSE and BSE without issues and you are the only one that is reporting this issue.

Are you sure there is nothing else blocking the BSE request from your machine? Is there a proxy involved ?

neilazavedo commented 4 years ago

nope I do not use any proxy ...

neilazavedo commented 4 years ago

I have updated the screenshot and log file on the other thread ... https://github.com/hemenkapadia/getbhavcopy/issues/123

hemenkapadia commented 4 years ago

See response on https://github.com/hemenkapadia/getbhavcopy/issues/125#issuecomment-570143440

For me NSE and BSE download works without any issue on 3.0.1a. Unless I can reporiduce the issue there is not much to fix.

neilazavedo commented 4 years ago

Yes I agree.. it's something with win10 maybe or the latest .net. ..Absolutely no idea .. ok is there any specific BSE URL I can ping to check if it works from the command prompt etc

hemenkapadia commented 4 years ago

I am on Windows 10 and develop GBC on it so I don't think it is Windows 10 specific.

You can enable Debug mode in Getbhavcopy and share the log. Additionally, the log file has the BSE URLs it is trying to connect to. You can try opening them in your browser. Also check if your browser has any proxy configured.

  1. Browse to the directory where you have getbhavcopy.exe file.
  2. Delete the log folder existing in that directory.
  3. Start the command prompt , Start >> run >> cmd
  4. Change to the directory where you have getbhavcopy.exe
  5. In that directory start getbhavcopy as 'getbhavcopy.exe debugon'
  6. Try to download the data as you do normally.
  7. You will see the log directory will be recreated, with a log file inside it.
  8. Share the contents of the log file on the github issue.
neilazavedo commented 4 years ago

Ok Hemen.. Thanks for the update ... I have upgraded to 3.0.2a .. but face the same issue . I have followed your steps above and the following is the feedback ...


Settings : bse-20200107-settings

Log file : log.txt

Browser : bse-20200107-browser


bubbu64 commented 4 years ago

Hi Hemen Shailendra here, I have been using ur getbhav downloader for last 7-8 yrs without a break. It works flawlessly most of the time however this time referring to the above issue the downloader works great for the BSE on a win 7 OS but not on a win 10 OS. Just downloaded BSE data right from 2000-2020 on my win7 loaded older laptop. But not able to download on my other win10 loaded laptop. On the win 10 laptop NSE/NSE FUTURES work great though. This is FYI. Hope this helps in resolving the issue. Regards Shailendra

neilazavedo commented 4 years ago

Maybe you are right bubbu64 ... as mentioned here https://github.com/hemenkapadia/getbhavcopy/issues/142 Win 10 Home has an issue ..

hemenkapadia commented 4 years ago

Maybe you are right bubbu64 ... as mentioned here #142 Win 10 Home has an issue ..

I don't think so. There is some other issue on your machines. I develop and test GBC on Windows 10 Home. This is my windows laptop OS version.


And BSE works flawlessly for me. There is something else blocking.

hemenkapadia commented 4 years ago

@neilazavedo -

what does the below link do in browser


hemenkapadia commented 4 years ago

Here is the output of the curl command on my windows. Please take note of the full curl command, especially quoting the URL.

Your Windows 10 may have curl installed by default. If not, this page has good information - https://develop.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001068567-Installing-and-using-cURL

D:\Hemen\Workspace\Getbhavcopy-Code\Getbhavcopy\Getbhavcopy_v2\Getbhavcopy_v2\bin\Release\Protected>curl -vv "https://api.bseindia.com/BseIndiaAPI/api/IndexArchDaily/w?period=D&index=SENSEX&fmdt=09/01/2020&todt=09/01/2020"
*   Trying 2600:1406:1400:581::f5...
*   Trying
* Connected to api.bseindia.com ( port 443 (#0)
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with api.bseindia.com port 443 (step 1/3)
* schannel: checking server certificate revocation
* schannel: sending initial handshake data: sending 181 bytes...
* schannel: sent initial handshake data: sent 181 bytes
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with api.bseindia.com port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: failed to receive handshake, need more data
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with api.bseindia.com port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data got 3806
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 3806 length 4096
* schannel: sending next handshake data: sending 126 bytes...
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with api.bseindia.com port 443 (step 2/3)
* schannel: encrypted data got 242
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 242 length 4096
* schannel: SSL/TLS handshake complete
* schannel: SSL/TLS connection with api.bseindia.com port 443 (step 3/3)
* schannel: stored credential handle in session cache
> GET /BseIndiaAPI/api/IndexArchDaily/w?period=D&index=SENSEX&fmdt=09/01/2020&todt=09/01/2020 HTTP/1.1
> Host: api.bseindia.com
> User-Agent: curl/7.55.1
> Accept: */*
* schannel: client wants to read 102400 bytes
* schannel: encdata_buffer resized 103424
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 103424
* schannel: encrypted data got 782
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 782 length 103424
* schannel: decrypted data length: 753
* schannel: decrypted data added: 753
* schannel: decrypted data cached: offset 753 length 102400
* schannel: encrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 103424
* schannel: decrypted data buffer: offset 753 length 102400
* schannel: schannel_recv cleanup
* schannel: decrypted data returned 753
* schannel: decrypted data buffer: offset 0 length 102400
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Pragma: no-cache
< Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
< Server: BSELTD
< X-AspNet-Version: 4.0.30319
< Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
< Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET,PUT,POST,DELETE,OPTIONS
< Cache-Control: no-cache
< Expires: Mon, 13 Jan 2020 08:04:22 GMT
< Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2020 08:04:22 GMT
< Content-Length: 282
< Connection: keep-alive
< Server-Timing: cdn-cache; desc=REVALIDATE
< Server-Timing: edge; dur=29
< Server-Timing: origin; dur=494
{"Table":[{"Day":9,"Month":"January","year":"2020","Turnover":"543.94","tdate":"2020-01-09T00:00:00","I_name":"SENSEX ","I_open":41216.67,"I_high":41482.12,"I_low":41175.72,"I_close":41452.35,"I_pe":26.22,"I_pb":3.24,"I_yl":1.02,"Turnover_1":"543.94","TOTAL_SHARES_TRADED":"0.78"}]}* Connection #0 to host api.bseindia.com left intact

neilazavedo commented 4 years ago

Hi Hemen.. I get the following .. browser-tab-json browser-tab-rawdata browser-tab-headers

bubbu64 commented 4 years ago

Hemen My win10 OS version is the same as urs 1903 just checked , still BSE doesnt get downloaded, the other two get done. Regards Shailendra

bubbu64 commented 4 years ago


bubbu64 commented 4 years ago


rkarthik1991 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I went through the comments and found that there is unsolved issue with bse data downloading. I downloaded the latest version of getbhavcopy and noticed that the issue is persistent in Win10. Not sure about other OS. Tried every possible option but no use. I'm not using any proxy too.