henbagle / LE1CommunityPatch

Issue tracker for the Community Patch mod for Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition
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A Large Collection of Typos, Misspelling and Other Questionable Phrases of Planets Descriptions #144

Closed ShredzAlot closed 2 years ago

ShredzAlot commented 2 years ago

I've highlighted the spots that need (maybe) fixing (highlight colors are all random. I wrote which color is for what if there are more then one present on each planet). UPDATES will be on the bottom of the list.

Mass Effect-Alrumter Planet -Should just say "deposit"

Mass Effect-Altahe Planet -Needs a space in-between

Mass Effect-Antibaar Planet -Has one space two many (purple) -Celsius is spelt wrong (orange)

Mass Effect-Antirumgon Planet -Should say "pirates"

Mass Effect-Benda Planet -"but" should be removed

Mass Effect-Chasca Planet(P1) -Celsius is spelt wrong again

Mass Effect-Chasca Planet(P2) -Should either say "Chasca is "in" very early development" or "Chasca is very early "in" development"

Mass Effect-Clocrolis Planet -"gravity" needs to be capitalized

Mass Effect-Earth Planet -"Earth" should be Earths

Mass Effect-Faringor Planet -Needs a comma

Mass Effect-Hunsalra Planet -Sentence should say "It has an unusually large amount" (yellow) -Should be (probably) solar winds. (purple)

Mass Effect-IIlapa Planet -Missing "the" or needs to be Chasca's

Mass Effect-Jartar Planet -One space too many (yellow) -Leviathan spelt wrong (pink) -"Day Length" is missing ":" after it (not highlighted)

Mass Effect-Klencory Planet -"Iron" shouldn't be capitalized

Mass Effect-Mingito Planet -These ones are a maybe but I'm not to sure (red) -Is solar wind correct or does it need to be solar winds (also red)

Mass Effect-Morana Planet -The "?" needs to be a ":"

Mass Effect-Nausicaa Planet -Missing a period at the end

Mass Effect-Phaistos Planet -"World" or "Planet" needs to be added in the sentence

Mass Effect-Pressha Planet -This ones a nitpick but "soldier" should be replaced with "admiral" (yellow) -surface "of" Pressha's (purple)

Mass Effect-Proteus Planet -Needs a ":"

Mass Effect-Quana Planet -Needs a ":"

Mass Effect-Rayingri Planet -Missing the G at the end of the number

Mass Effect-Sharjila -One space too many

Mass Effect-Syided Planet -Remove the word "by" and replace with the sentence "to be read on the surface"

Mass Effect-Sytau Planet -"If" should be "but" (red) -Missing the ":" (green)

Mass Effect-Tamahera Planet -Missing the "G" at the end

Mass Effect-Terra Nova Planet -Probably should be surveyors instead of surveys (yellow) -add "of" (purple)

Mass Effect-Theshaca Planet -"drive "core" discharge" (purple) -Theshaca's is spelt wrong (yellow) -Terminus "Systems" (green)

Mass Effect-Veles Planet -Should be "auctions" (red) -Sentence should be reworded to say "The abandoned base is now completely empty." (purple)

Mass Effect-Xamarri Planet -Reword the sentence to "terrestrial planet of lifeless rock quite similar to Luna." or something different

Mass Effect-Xanadu Planet -Needs the ":"

Mass Effect-Zaherux Planet -Should be "solar winds" I think (green) -Sentence should be rewritten to "Though investigations have attributed"

Mass Effect-Zayarter Planet -Either "move" needs to be deleted or the sentence reworded


Mass Effect-Patamalrus Planet -Sulphur is spelt wrong

Mass Effect-Almarcrux Planet -Either add "to" in-between the highlighted spot or just before the word almost (yellow) -night should be nights and meets should be meet (red)

There is probably more I've missed but its a start

henbagle commented 2 years ago

Fixed the majority of these, they will be included in our next update. I've fixed all the spelling, most egregious grammar, and incorrect number formatting issues. I have left in some of the odd sentence wording that you've pointed out, as we try not to make any creative changes wherever possible. Use of "solar wind" and the use of "terrestrial" as a noun I have left in as that appears to be intentional by BioWare, even if it goes against the norm.

sialivi commented 2 years ago

-"Earth" should be Earths


Mike7099 commented 2 years ago

Renshato could do with an update.

Looks like the word "in" should be between "sulphur", and "its".
