henbagle / LE1CommunityPatch

Issue tracker for the Community Patch mod for Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition
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Need method to easily toggle between BioMorphFace when settings menu updates #260

Closed henbagle closed 2 weeks ago

henbagle commented 2 weeks ago

We have several cut unique faces for NPCs that could be restored as an option in the settings menu - except the methods for updating an NPC's appearance don't work as well as the methods just updating a material.

As far as I can tell, the UpdatePawnAppearance method can be a little glitchy. the user will see the NPC pop in and out of existence when it occurs, and I've had instances of NPCs falling through the floor. Plus I don't know what would happen if the NPC was midway through a line of dialogue. Is there some way we can develop to instantly update the morph face without triggering this method?

henbagle commented 2 weeks ago

Vegz to the rescue! Code snippet is below.

Class SFXSeqAct_SetMorphHead extends SequenceAction;

var(SFXSeqAct_SetMorphHead) Actor Target;
var(SFXSeqAct_SetMorphHead) BioMorphFace oMorphHead;

public static event function int GetObjClassVersion()
    return Super(SequenceObject).GetObjClassVersion() + 1;
public function Activated()
    local BioPawn Pawn;
    local SkeletalMesh oMesh;

    Pawn = BioPawn(Target);
    if (Pawn != None)
        ApplyMesh(oMorphHead.m_oBaseHead, Pawn.m_oHeadMesh);
private final function ApplyMesh(SkeletalMesh SkelMesh, SkeletalMeshComponent MeshCmpt)
    local int I;
    local Name nmActiveEffectsMaterial;

    if (SkelMesh != None && MeshCmpt != None)
        nmActiveEffectsMaterial = MeshCmpt.GetEffectsMaterial();
        for (I = 0; I < SkelMesh.Materials.Length; I++)
            MeshCmpt.SetMaterial(I, None);
        if (nmActiveEffectsMaterial != 'None')