henbagle / LE1CommunityPatch

Issue tracker for the Community Patch mod for Mass Effect 1: Legendary Edition
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Walk toggle bug #98

Open Whitestrak3 opened 3 years ago

Whitestrak3 commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug When the walk toggle is on, the first few steps when starting to move are the same as when the toggle is off. Basically, Shepard starts to jog, but then decides to walk instead. Also, when you stop walking the animation is the same as when you stop jogging. I don't think this happens with a controller, keyboard only. More on this here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Mass-Effect-Legendary-Edition/Running-while-walking/m-p/10344075/highlight/true#M2305

To Reproduce Enable walk toggle, move in any direction. Stop walking to see the abrupt (and just as wrong) animation when Shepard stops. Tested with male Shepard on the Normandy.

Expected behavior In the original ME1, the animation when you start and stop walking (with walk toggle on) is very much smoother.

Whitestrak3 commented 2 years ago

Is there any chance that this will be fixed? I'm about to give up hope.

Wise-Nathius commented 1 year ago

I have also seen NPCs on the Citadel in LE1 have the same 'brief run' animation when starting/stopping their walk cycle. I think this is the same issues as noted here: [https://github.com/henbagle/LE1CommunityPatch/issues/148]

However, the correct animation is present for Shepard if you use a controller. So the correct animations still exist in the game, but for some reason it is applying the running animation instead of the walking one in most circumstances for the player, party members, and NPCs alike.

AliceQuinzel commented 10 months ago

Sooo, still nothing? I opened 3 tickets on different portals 3 years ago short after the game came out and still nothing. Actually I can't believe it. I was sure there would be someone with the know-how who would get bothered by this issue u.u

AliceQuinzel commented 10 months ago

I have also seen NPCs on the Citadel in LE1 have the same 'brief run' animation when starting/stopping their walk cycle. I think this is the same issues as noted here: [https://github.com/[/issues/148](https://github.com/henbagle/LE1CommunityPatch/issues/148)]

However, the correct animation is present for Shepard if you use a controller. So the correct animations still exist in the game, but for some reason it is applying the running animation instead of the walking one in most circumstances for the player, party members, and NPCs alike.

Au contraire - the issue also occurs with the game pad, alas it hasn't been solved in the past year. I tried keyboard and game pad and the issue was the same. That's why I didn't even bother start playing. If it only was the case with the keyboard, I would've just played with the game pad. But correct me, if it has been solved in the past months.

Also /issues/148 is a different bug.

henbagle commented 10 months ago

I don't think anybody has successfully modded an animation tree like this yet. It's an extremely complex system and we don't have a whole lot of insight into exactly how it works. Some tooling would likely need to be written to properly see why this is going on.

I looked into it a few years ago and had absolutely no idea what I was looking at or how to go about fixing it.

Whitestrak3 commented 10 months ago

I don't think anybody has successfully modded an animation tree like this yet. It's an extremely complex system and we don't have a whole lot of insight into exactly how it works. Some tooling would likely need to be written to properly see why this is going on.

I looked into it a few years ago and had absolutely no idea what I was looking at or how to go about fixing it.

I see... Shame that it's such a pain in the ass to fix.

Thanks for the update.

sdavydouski commented 3 months ago

I don't think anybody has successfully modded an animation tree like this yet. It's an extremely complex system and we don't have a whole lot of insight into exactly how it works. Some tooling would likely need to be written to properly see why this is going on.

@henbagle Could the issue be not in the animations themselves but in the input mapping? I'm not familiar with UE3, but at least in UE4 the way to setup locomotion animation is by creating input key mappings which will drive the animation (article).

For example, you could setup locomotion animation like so: 0 -> Idle, 0.5 -> Walk, 1 -> Run. So now it's just the matter of mapping device input to 0-1 range. Keyboard mapping could look like this: 0 (W key is not pressed) -> Idle, 0.5 -> Walk (W key is pressed, walk toggle on), 1 - Run (W key is pressed, walk toggle off).

LE1 might have broken this, so now it doesn't check if walk toggle is on and just always transitions from 0 (Idle) to 1 (Run) which triggers wrong animation.

sdavydouski commented 3 months ago

Basically my hope is that you could tweak some UnrealScript in order to fix this problem, without the need to tackle with animsets.


sdavydouski commented 3 months ago

I created a workaround that fixes the problem.


if (!MyBP.bIsWalking)
    if (MoveMag >= MoveStickRunThreshold)
        MoveWalkModifier = 1.0;
    else if (MoveMag >= MoveStickWalkThreshold)
        MoveWalkModifier = MyBP.WalkSpeed / MyBP.GroundSpeed;
        MoveWalkModifier = MoveMag / MoveStickWalkThreshold * MyBP.WalkSpeed / MyBP.GroundSpeed;
// Fix is here
    MoveWalkModifier = MyBP.WalkSpeed / MyBP.GroundSpeed;

@henbagle Feel free to add it to the community patch.

AliceQuinzel commented 3 months ago

Sooo... did it solve the issue???

henbagle commented 3 months ago

Looks good. We're not in very active development right now but we'll test and include it with the mod as we start rounding the corner to the next release. Thanks for the fix!

AliceQuinzel commented 3 months ago

That sounds dope, I pray for it to work 🤞🏻🙏🏻

Do we get a notification here, when the next fix gets released or how does it work? 🤔

sdavydouski commented 3 months ago

That sounds dope, I pray for it to work 🤞🏻🙏🏻

Well, I just finished LE1 and didn't encounter any problem with it :) The fix itself is pretty simple, it doesn't affect anything except moving in explore mode - combat and sprinting remain unaffected. This doesn't fix NPCs animations unfortunately (e.g. problem like this one still exists). But since the majority of time you're looking at Shepard this shouldn't be much of an issue.