Clean-Up / Refactor / Improve our existing app code, documentation, integrations and tools. Take care of technical debt and TODO's left behind from prototype sprint.
Time allowed and encouraged to take on code cleanup and improvements that are new to you to be done alongside professional development and learning efforts
Get our app as solid as possible post-prototype, highlighting:
1) Readability
2) Security
3) Performance
4) Ease of future enhancements and feature additions
Sprint Meeting Notes
11/9/2017 Standup
New Issues:
1) 50 mi radius option in filters
2) Multiple issues to plan for this sprint, outlined below
3) Deployment: Create new Heroku account that we all have access to for debugging / database management
Take care of the technical debt left behind from first sprint
Take care of remaining TODO’s in codebase
Error handling / 404 pages / form validation
Clean-up / refactor code so we are in the best position possible for future features and sprints
Improve / add tests
Let’s make the app we want to make!
11/28/2017 Standup
New Issues:
1) Reorganize documentation, don't need to have one long post-Launch Code. Link out to contributing / authors / wireframes
2) Pytest and writing unit tests for pure functions / helpers: everyone can pitch in to get the test coverage going for this! 2+ per person, each person has their own issue for tracking
3) Test plan, both written checklist of tests to write and record of tests created, and automated test coverage reporting
4) Framework for browser side validation and issue created to get validation written up
5) WTF Flask validation - Rachel to research more
Personal development training anchored in app features and improvements:
We can outline specific features we want to see in our app and line those up with skills we want to learn/build for our own professional needs. This keeps us learning, it’s stuff we will be learning anyway, and keeps us focused on the app in times when we don’t necessarily have time to keep up on the whole codebase.
Example: Should we choose to implement CI, and 1+ people want to learn that process anyway, they can tackle tutorials and projects for the benefit of themselves AND Voluntr
Example 2: Sarah has goal of adding offline capability to Voluntr, but need to learn JS first. Take the time to learn JS tutorials with the focus of adding those features to Voluntr as we learn it
Let's continue sharing resources for learning here or on the #general slack channel so anyone who is also interested in learning these topics, now or in the future, can make use of them!
Scheduled12/14/2017 Standup
Sprint Discussion
Add comments, updates to issues or sprint goals, and discussion points below
Sprint Goals
Sprint Meeting Notes
11/9/2017 Standup
New Issues: 1) 50 mi radius option in filters 2) Multiple issues to plan for this sprint, outlined below 3) Deployment: Create new Heroku account that we all have access to for debugging / database management
Take care of the technical debt left behind from first sprint
Take care of remaining TODO’s in codebase
Error handling / 404 pages / form validation
Clean-up / refactor code so we are in the best position possible for future features and sprints Improve / add tests
Let’s make the app we want to make!
11/28/2017 Standup
Personal development training anchored in app features and improvements:
Resource Sharing
Continuous Integration? Medium Post CI Tutorial by Digital Ocean Codeacademy courses are great to start learning Javascript / other languages and tools as we continue to add and improve our app With your library card, access Lynda Tutorials
Let's continue sharing resources for learning here or on the #general slack channel so anyone who is also interested in learning these topics, now or in the future, can make use of them!
Scheduled 12/14/2017 Standup
Sprint Discussion
Add comments, updates to issues or sprint goals, and discussion points below