hendrikreimers / TYPO3-content_designer

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Uncaught TYPO3 Exception "" is not a valid cache entry identifier. #8

Open r4fx opened 8 years ago

r4fx commented 8 years ago

After update "content_designer" to 3.0.6 i got an error when i want to edit page properties

`Uncaught TYPO3 Exception

1233058294: "" is not a valid cache entry identifier.`

my code for page settings:

pages.tx_contentdesigner_flexform.settings {

    tca = --div--;Settings,tx_contentdesigner_flexform

    cObject.sDEF {
        sheetTitle = Settings

        el {
            hidePageHeader {
                label = Hide page header
                config.type = check

            hideAsideNav {
                label = Hide aside nav
                config.type = check
hendrikreimers commented 8 years ago

At the moment, i cannot reconstruct the issue. Can you please enable the debug messages in your TYPO3? You can do it with the following TS Setup: config.contentObjectExceptionHandler = 0 ...maybe you also need to set your installation to the dev mode in the install tool

r4fx commented 8 years ago

I see this


jfschubert commented 8 years ago

Having the Same Issue, i couldn neither copy a Page nor check Reference Index

because $row['CType'] is not set so is added the following to the function getFlexFormDS_postProcessDS in Classes/Hooks/Forms/FlexFormDs.php

if(!isset($row['CType'])) { return; }

I would really check if the the postProgressHook is needed for the given Object.

mfell commented 7 years ago

Hi Hendrik, I have the same problem: TYPO3 7.6.16, content_designer 3.0.7

I have a testing system, where this bug occours ... you can get a login, if needed?

Greetz from Marc :o)

hendrikreimers commented 7 years ago

Hi Marc,

i've stopped development at the moment. Because it becomes to complicated for newer TYPO3 versions and the mask ext. is an great alternative with a great team behind. I want to concentrate on new projects and extension ideas.

In my case i've made a kind of "provider" ext. that helps me to create real content elements as simple as possible.

If you have a solution for that bug, please make a pull request or post the code here.

Thanks a lot!

j-lang commented 7 years ago

Is there any solution, have same issue after update to Typo3 7.6 and update to content_designer 3.0.7 Thx

Lobster1956 commented 7 years ago

same problem here... my VERY dirty workaround in the file _/contentdesigner/Classes/Hooks/Form/FlexFormDs.php is:

    $cacheIdentifier = $row['CType'];
// Modifikation Fehlervermeidung start ... RRS
        if (!$cacheIdentifier) {
            $cacheIdentifier = 'XXX';
// Modifikation Fehlervermeidung end ... RRS        
    // Restore dataStructArray from cache if necessary
    $cachedDataStructArray = $cache->get($cacheIdentifier);

so if there is no cacheIdentifier, i set it to XXX (and so nor error occurs)