hengyunabc / zabbix-api

zabbix-api for java
Apache License 2.0
92 stars 68 forks source link

Refactor project and resolve some problems #26

Open tinawenqiao opened 6 years ago

tinawenqiao commented 6 years ago

Hi, hengyunabc, I've refactored the project (https://github.com/tinawenqiao/zabbix3api) and do some things as following:

  1. Design uniform API return result. ZabbixAPIResult has 3 fields: code, data, message.
  2. Refactor Request class and change "params" from Map to Object. It resolve the main problem of original project that it can’t support multiple params. The issue url:https://github.com/hengyunabc/zabbix-api/issues/9
  3. Replace alibaba fastjson with jackson lib.
  4. Use JDK 1.8.