henkelmax / gravestone

Places a gravestone with your inventory items inside when you die.
21 stars 35 forks source link

Uzbek Language translation #163

Closed mmnvb closed 8 months ago

mmnvb commented 8 months ago

Additional notes

No response

Locale code


Translation json

    "block.gravestone.gravestone": "Qabr toshi",
    "item.gravestone.obituary": "Nekrolog",
    "entity.gravestone.player_ghost": "O'yinchi ruhi",
    "message.gravestone.grave_of": "%sning qabri",
    "message.gravestone.date_of_death": "Vafot etgan sana: %s",
    "message.gravestone.item_count": "%s ta stak(lar) mavjud",
    "message.gravestone.died": "%s %sda vafot etdi",
    "message.gravestone.deathlocation": "Vafot joyi",
    "message.gravestone.no_deathlocation": "Mavjud vafot joyi topilmadi",
    "message.gravestone.create_grave_failed": "Qabrni qo'yish mumkin emas",
    "message.gravestone.copied": "%s nusxalandi",
    "message.gravestone.restore": "Qaytarilgan narsalar",
    "message.gravestone.restore.replace": "O'zgartirish",
    "message.gravestone.restore.replace.description": "Inventaringizdan barcha narsalarni o'chiradi va o'limdan oldin sizda bo'lganlarni tiklaydi",
    "message.gravestone.restore.add": "Qo'shish",
    "message.gravestone.restore.add.description": "O'limdan oldin sizda bo'lgan narsalarni inventarga qo'shadi",
    "message.gravestone.death_id": "Vafot ID-si",
    "message.gravestone.death_id_not_found": "ID-si %s bo'lgan vafot topilmadi",
    "message.gravestone.restore.success": "%s uchun muvaffaqiyatli tiklandi",
    "message.gravestone.death_not_found": "Vafot topilmadi",
    "gui.obituary.name": "Ism",
    "gui.obituary.title": "Vafot ma'lumoti",
    "gui.obituary.location": "Koordinatalar",
    "gui.obituary.dimension": "O'lchov",
    "gui.obituary.title.items": "Narsalar ro'yxati",
    "gui.obituary.page": "%s - %s sahifa",
    "gui.obituary.time": "Sana",
    "gui.obituary.id": "ID",
    "gui.obituary.copy_id": "ID-ni nusxalash",
    "gui.gravestone.date_format": "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss",
    "button.gravestone.next": "Keyingi",
    "button.gravestone.prev": "Oldingi",
    "config.jade.plugin_gravestone.grave": "Qabr"
henkelmax commented 8 months ago

This language code does not exist. Do you mean kk_kz?

mmnvb commented 8 months ago

This lang exists but Mojang haven't added it yet. Well I knew that :D , but some day they will add it for sure. If you have smth like an archive u can save that for later