henkelmax / sound-physics-remastered

A Minecraft mod that provides realistic sound attenuation, reverberation, and absorption through blocks.
GNU General Public License v3.0
69 stars 22 forks source link

Sound in the music category played at player position is affected. #207

Closed Josh65-2201 closed 1 month ago

Josh65-2201 commented 2 months ago

Bug description

Global music like Minecraft's default won't be affected but playing a sound from a resource pack at the player location (@s) even under the music category will be casing inconsistent playback

Minecraft version


Mod version


Mod loader and version


Steps to reproduce

  1. Get a resource pack with custom music (example pack https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/true-ending-ender-dragon-music/version/1.0)
  2. Run the command /playsound true_ending:music.dragon music @s
  3. Go behind a wall
  4. Hear it muffled

Expected behavior

Should not be affected like Minecraft's default music

Log files



image image

henkelmax commented 1 month ago

You need to enable update_moving_sounds in the config.

Josh65-2201 commented 1 month ago

I already have that enabled. but the sound also doesn't move anyway, It plays at the players position one time.

henkelmax commented 1 month ago

Isn't that also the case for vanilla then?

Josh65-2201 commented 1 month ago

It does if I use that command to play the vanilla music, but not if Minecraft plays the music itself. If it intentional is there a way I can exclude anything under the music category, If not should I open a feature request for it?

henkelmax commented 1 month ago

That's completely intended by the mod. You should exclude the sound from being processed in the mods config.

Josh65-2201 commented 1 month ago

So I tried closing Minecraft editing the file allowed_sounds.properties following the same naming as others in the file true_ending\:music.dragon=false but when opening Minecraft it gets removed from the file.