henne49 / dbus-opendtu

Integrate opendtu and ahoy into Victron Energies Venus OS as a pv inverter
MIT License
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Feature request: Support for 3 phase "grid" service #59

Open stundenblume opened 1 year ago

stundenblume commented 1 year ago

It would be nice if your driver would support 3 phase gridmeter.

The benefit would be, that no EM24 would be necessary. A Tasmota device connected to a smartmeter would be enough.

dsteinkopf commented 1 year ago

I would like to start by implementing this as a replacement for my own https://github.com/dsteinkopf/venus.dbus-MqttToGridMeter/ which is not really not very sophisticated... but it is stable. Nevertheless, it would be a nice thing if I could also collect grid meter values in this one script here.

First exercise: How to get the grid meter values? In my case, I am collecting them via home assistant edl21 integration. So to have a fit for our "templates" I fetch values via API:

(Entitiy names are only valid for my installation of course.)

curl --silent --header "Authorization: Bearer $HA_TOKEN" --header Content-Type:\ application/json | jq ->

  "entity_id": "sensor.hausstrom_sum_active_instantaneous_power",
  "state": "5",
  "attributes": {
    "state_class": "measurement",
    "val_time": [
    "unit_of_measurement": "W",
    "device_class": "power",
    "friendly_name": "Hausstrom Sum active instantaneous power"
  "last_changed": "2023-04-09T07:10:17.428600+00:00",
  "last_updated": "2023-04-09T07:10:17.428600+00:00",
  "context": {
    "id": "01GXJDKWAMPWSCQ69W0ZFY8H9W",
    "parent_id": null,
    "user_id": null

L1: /api/states/sensor.hausstrom_l1_active_instantaneous_power L2: /api/states/sensor.hausstrom_l2_active_instantaneous_power L3: /api/states/sensor.hausstrom_l3_active_instantaneous_power Sum: /api/states/sensor.hausstrom_sum_active_instantaneous_power Total Energy: /api/states/sensor.hausstrom_positive_active_energy_total

dsteinkopf commented 1 year ago

First challenge: How to configure everything in config.ini?

First idea:

CUST_SN = 12345678                                                                                                                                    
# ??? CUST_API_PATH= cm?cmnd=STATUS+8                                                                                                                 
CUST_POLLING = 1000                                                                                                                                   

My_Value_L1_Power_API_PATH = api/states/sensor.hausstrom_l1_active_instantaneous_power                                                                
My_Value_L2_Power_API_PATH = api/states/sensor.hausstrom_l2_active_instantaneous_power                                                                
My_Value_L3_Power_API_PATH = api/states/sensor.hausstrom_l3_active_instantaneous_power                                                                

My_Value_L1_Power = status # JSONPath                                                                                                                 
My_Value_L2_Power = status # JSONPath                                                                                                                 
My_Value_L3_Power = status # JSONPath                                                                                                                 

My_Value_L1_Power_DBUS_PATH = /Ac/L1/Power                                                                                                            
My_Value_L2_Power_DBUS_PATH = /Ac/L2/Power                                                                                                            
My_Value_L3_Power_DBUS_PATH = /Ac/L3/Power                                                                                                            

CUST_Total_API_PATH = api/states/sensor.hausstrom_positive_active_energy_total                                                                        
CUST_Total=status # JSONPath                                                                                                                          
CUST_Total_Mult = 1                                                                                                                                   

CUST_Power_API_PATH = api/states/sensor.hausstrom_sum_active_instantaneous_power                                                                      
CUST_Power = status                                                                                                                                   
CUST_Power_Mult = 1                                                                                                                                   

CUST_Voltage=230 # fixed value                                                                                                                        

# not needed CUST_Current=  StatusSNS/ENERGY/Current                                                                                                  

Still missing/open: How to configure calculated values? The "Currents" are not provided in my case and must be calculated: 230 / power /Ac/Energy/Forward and /Ac/Energy/Reverse must be derived by distinguishing between negative and positive energy values. But I don't get negative energy values from my meter...

stundenblume commented 1 year ago

First exercise: How to get the grid meter values?

I think a nice approach would be to read a "Lesekopf" flashed with Tasmota. Nearly everybody with a PV installation will have a "Intelligentes Messsystem". That is a very cheap and easy solution.

http://192.168.xxx.yyy/cm?cmnd=STATUS+8 will give you:

  "StatusSNS": {
    "Time": "2023-04-11T17:53:14",
    "SML": {
      "Total_in": 1599.988,
      "Total_out": 631.491,
      "Power_curr": 39,
      "Volt_p1": 233.2,
      "Volt_p2": 234.2,
      "Volt_p3": 234.5,
      "Amperage_p1": 1.4,
      "Amperage_p2": 0.4,
      "Amperage_p3": 0.7,
      "Power_curr_p1": 23,
      "Power_curr_p2": -7,
      "Power_curr_p3": 23,
      "frequency": 50

First challenge: How to configure everything in config.ini?

I think here you are the expert.

How to configure calculated values?

First I thought that there are no calculations needed because everything is provided by the SML interface. But I think I'm wrong. What are the minimal information the Victron system needs to know to work? Maybe just power for each phase? I will try to find out.

Jaaxy commented 11 months ago

Hiho, i have scripted a Tasmota Script for different gridMeter. Here is the Ouput off the EM24.

    "StatusSNS": {
        "Time": "2023-10-29T19:59:41",
        "EM24": {
            "Voltage_L1": 229.4,
            "Voltage_L2": 229.4,
            "Voltage_L3": 228.3,
            "Current_L1": 1.346,
            "Current_L2": 1.774,
            "Current_L3": 0.298,
            "Power_L1": 246.3,
            "Power_L2": 327.4,
            "Power_L3": 55.6,
            "Power_va_L1": 311.8,
            "Power_va_L2": 395.0,
            "Power_va_L3": 70.0,
            "Power_var_L1": -183.1,
            "Power_var_L2": -236.4,
            "Power_var_L3": -42.4,
            "Energy_Demand_W_max": 4078.2,
            "Energy_Demand_W": 599.8,
            "Energy_Demand_VA_max": 4116.5,
            "Energy_Demand_VA": 757.7,
            "Power_L1_p": 861.1,
            "Power_L2_p": 1829.1,
            "Power_L3_p": 882.4,
            "Energy_Tot_Import": 3573.3,
            "Energy_Tot_Export": 0.0
henne49 commented 11 months ago

Can you give some more infos background on your json?

Jaaxy commented 11 months ago

I need an example to display the Json in the cerbo.

The EM24 is a gridmeter logging the power off a part of the house.

At this Moment I use 3 Templates Sonoff: image

EM24_L1 image

I want to take it in one Template with displaying all measures and summary