henninghall / react-native-date-picker

React Native Date Picker is datetime picker for Android and iOS. It includes date, time and datetime picker modes. The datepicker is customizable and is supporting different languages. It's written with native code to achieve the best possible look, feel and performance.
MIT License
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Android: onStateChange does not return 'idle' or 'spinning' #786

Closed chauncat closed 2 months ago

chauncat commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug When newArch is false onStateChange is returning entire event instead of just the string.

When writing the parameter from onStateChange to console log it shows the full event.

          onStateChange={(e) => {
            console.log('event', e);
event {
    "_dispatchInstances": {
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            "actualStartTime": 763915.602665,
            "alternate": [FiberNode],
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            "childLanes": 0,
            "deletions": null,
            "dependencies": null,
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            "key": null,
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            "sibling": null,
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            "timezoneOffsetInMinutes": "",
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            "confirmText": "Confirm",
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            "minimumDate": undefined,
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            "timezoneOffsetInMinutes": "",
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        "return": {
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            "selfBaseDuration": 0.2715099999913946,
            "sibling": null,
            "stateNode": [DatePickerAndroid],
            "subtreeFlags": 4,
            "tag": 1,
            "treeBaseDuration": 0.30411399994045496,
            "type": [Function DatePickerAndroid],
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        "selfBaseDuration": 0.03260399994906038,
        "sibling": null,
        "stateNode": {
            "_children": [Array],
            "_internalFiberInstanceHandleDEV": [Circular],
            "_nativeTag": 1219,
            "viewConfig": [Object]
        "subtreeFlags": 0,
        "tag": 5,
        "treeBaseDuration": 0.03260399994906038,
        "type": "RNDatePicker",
        "updateQueue": null
    "_dispatchListeners": [Function onStateChange],
    "_targetInst": {
        "_debugHookTypes": null,
        "_debugNeedsRemount": false,
        "_debugOwner": {
            "_debugHookTypes": null,
            "_debugNeedsRemount": false,
            "_debugOwner": [FiberNode],
            "_debugSource": undefined,
            "actualDuration": 0.32708299986552447,
            "actualStartTime": 763915.602665,
            "alternate": [FiberNode],
            "child": [Circular],
            "childLanes": 0,
            "deletions": null,
            "dependencies": null,
            "elementType": [Function DatePickerAndroid],
            "flags": 1,
            "index": 0,
            "key": null,
            "lanes": 0,
            "memoizedProps": [Object],
            "memoizedState": null,
            "mode": 2,
            "pendingProps": [Object],
            "ref": null,
            "return": [FiberNode],
            "selfBaseDuration": 0.2715099999913946,
            "sibling": null,
            "stateNode": [DatePickerAndroid],
            "subtreeFlags": 4,
            "tag": 1,
            "treeBaseDuration": 0.30411399994045496,
            "type": [Function DatePickerAndroid],
            "updateQueue": [Object]
        "_debugSource": undefined,
        "actualDuration": 0.04666699992958456,
        "actualStartTime": 763915.879384,
        "alternate": {
            "_debugHookTypes": null,
            "_debugNeedsRemount": false,
            "_debugOwner": [FiberNode],
            "_debugSource": undefined,
            "actualDuration": 0.10296799999196082,
            "actualStartTime": 764945.181519,
            "alternate": [Circular],
            "child": null,
            "childLanes": 0,
            "deletions": null,
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            "elementType": "RNDatePicker",
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            "index": 0,
            "key": null,
            "lanes": 0,
            "memoizedProps": [Object],
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            "mode": 2,
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            "ref": null,
            "return": [FiberNode],
            "selfBaseDuration": 0.07322900008875877,
            "sibling": null,
            "stateNode": [ReactNativeFiberHostComponent],
            "subtreeFlags": 0,
            "tag": 5,
            "treeBaseDuration": 0.07322900008875877,
            "type": "RNDatePicker",
            "updateQueue": null
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        "childLanes": 0,
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        "lanes": 0,
        "memoizedProps": {
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            "androidVariant": "nativeAndroid",
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            "confirmText": "Confirm",
            "date": "2024-03-18T19:16:00.000Z",
            "fadeToColor": undefined,
            "id": "0.7786056200089707",
            "is24hourSource": "locale",
            "locale": "en_GB",
            "maximumDate": undefined,
            "minimumDate": undefined,
            "minuteInterval": 1,
            "mode": "time",
            "onChange": [Function anonymous],
            "onDateChange": [Function onDateChange],
            "onStateChange": [Function onStateChange],
            "style": [Array],
            "testID": "dateTimePicker",
            "textColor": undefined,
            "theme": "light",
            "timeZoneOffsetInMinutes": "",
            "timezoneOffsetInMinutes": "",
            "title": "Select time"
        "memoizedState": null,
        "mode": 2,
        "pendingProps": {
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            "androidVariant": "nativeAndroid",
            "cancelText": "Cancel",
            "confirmText": "Confirm",
            "date": "2024-03-18T19:16:00.000Z",
            "fadeToColor": undefined,
            "id": "0.7786056200089707",
            "is24hourSource": "locale",
            "locale": "en_GB",
            "maximumDate": undefined,
            "minimumDate": undefined,
            "minuteInterval": 1,
            "mode": "time",
            "onChange": [Function anonymous],
            "onDateChange": [Function onDateChange],
            "onStateChange": [Function onStateChange],
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            "testID": "dateTimePicker",
            "textColor": undefined,
            "theme": "light",
            "timeZoneOffsetInMinutes": "",
            "timezoneOffsetInMinutes": "",
            "title": "Select time"
        "ref": null,
        "return": {
            "_debugHookTypes": null,
            "_debugNeedsRemount": false,
            "_debugOwner": [FiberNode],
            "_debugSource": undefined,
            "actualDuration": 0.32708299986552447,
            "actualStartTime": 763915.602665,
            "alternate": [FiberNode],
            "child": [Circular],
            "childLanes": 0,
            "deletions": null,
            "dependencies": null,
            "elementType": [Function DatePickerAndroid],
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            "index": 0,
            "key": null,
            "lanes": 0,
            "memoizedProps": [Object],
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            "mode": 2,
            "pendingProps": [Object],
            "ref": null,
            "return": [FiberNode],
            "selfBaseDuration": 0.2715099999913946,
            "sibling": null,
            "stateNode": [DatePickerAndroid],
            "subtreeFlags": 4,
            "tag": 1,
            "treeBaseDuration": 0.30411399994045496,
            "type": [Function DatePickerAndroid],
            "updateQueue": [Object]
        "selfBaseDuration": 0.03260399994906038,
        "sibling": null,
        "stateNode": {
            "_children": [Array],
            "_internalFiberInstanceHandleDEV": [Circular],
            "_nativeTag": 1219,
            "viewConfig": [Object]
        "subtreeFlags": 0,
        "tag": 5,
        "treeBaseDuration": 0.03260399994906038,
        "type": "RNDatePicker",
        "updateQueue": null
    "bubbles": undefined,
    "cancelable": undefined,
    "currentTarget": {
        "_children": [],
        "_internalFiberInstanceHandleDEV": {
            "_debugHookTypes": null,
            "_debugNeedsRemount": false,
            "_debugOwner": [FiberNode],
            "_debugSource": undefined,
            "actualDuration": 0.04666699992958456,
            "actualStartTime": 763915.879384,
            "alternate": [FiberNode],
            "child": null,
            "childLanes": 0,
            "deletions": null,
            "dependencies": null,
            "elementType": "RNDatePicker",
            "flags": 4,
            "index": 0,
            "key": null,
            "lanes": 0,
            "memoizedProps": [Object],
            "memoizedState": null,
            "mode": 2,
            "pendingProps": [Object],
            "ref": null,
            "return": [FiberNode],
            "selfBaseDuration": 0.03260399994906038,
            "sibling": null,
            "stateNode": [Circular],
            "subtreeFlags": 0,
            "tag": 5,
            "treeBaseDuration": 0.03260399994906038,
            "type": "RNDatePicker",
            "updateQueue": null
        "_nativeTag": 1219,
        "viewConfig": {
            "Commands": [Object],
            "NativeProps": [Object],
            "bubblingEventTypes": [Object],
            "directEventTypes": [Object],
            "uiViewClassName": "RNDatePicker",
            "validAttributes": [Object]
    "defaultPrevented": undefined,
    "dispatchConfig": {
        "phasedRegistrationNames": {
            "bubbled": "onStateChange"
    "eventPhase": undefined,
    "isDefaultPrevented": [Function functionThatReturnsFalse],
    "isPropagationStopped": [Function functionThatReturnsFalse],
    "isTrusted": undefined,
    "nativeEvent": {
        "id": null,
        "spinnerState": "idle"
    "target": {
        "_children": [],
        "_internalFiberInstanceHandleDEV": {
            "_debugHookTypes": null,
            "_debugNeedsRemount": false,
            "_debugOwner": [FiberNode],
            "_debugSource": undefined,
            "actualDuration": 0.04666699992958456,
            "actualStartTime": 763915.879384,
            "alternate": [FiberNode],
            "child": null,
            "childLanes": 0,
            "deletions": null,
            "dependencies": null,
            "elementType": "RNDatePicker",
            "flags": 4,
            "index": 0,
            "key": null,
            "lanes": 0,
            "memoizedProps": [Object],
            "memoizedState": null,
            "mode": 2,
            "pendingProps": [Object],
            "ref": null,
            "return": [FiberNode],
            "selfBaseDuration": 0.03260399994906038,
            "sibling": null,
            "stateNode": [Circular],
            "subtreeFlags": 0,
            "tag": 5,
            "treeBaseDuration": 0.03260399994906038,
            "type": "RNDatePicker",
            "updateQueue": null
        "_nativeTag": 1219,
        "viewConfig": {
            "Commands": [Object],
            "NativeProps": [Object],
            "bubblingEventTypes": [Object],
            "directEventTypes": [Object],
            "uiViewClassName": "RNDatePicker",
            "validAttributes": [Object]
    "timeStamp": 1710789391214,
    "type": undefined

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. Expected the parameter to be return spinning or idle

To Reproduce Add example code that reproduces the behavior.

export default class App extends Component {

  state = { date: new Date() }

  render = () =>
      onStateChange={(e) => {
            console.log('event', e);

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

henninghall commented 2 months ago

Thanks for reporting this. It is fixed in version 5.0.1