henninghall / react-native-date-picker

React Native Date Picker is datetime picker for Android and iOS. It includes date, time and datetime picker modes. The datepicker is customizable and is supporting different languages. It's written with native code to achieve the best possible look, feel and performance.
MIT License
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How to set 12 hours with DatePicker? #810

Closed vtt239 closed 2 months ago

vtt239 commented 2 months ago
export default class App extends Component {

  state = { date: new Date() }

  render = () =>
      onDateChange={date => this.setState({ date })}

henninghall commented 2 months ago

See readme https://github.com/henninghall/react-native-date-picker?tab=readme-ov-file#how-do-i-change-the-1224h-or-ampm-format